Getting in Shape

Bad habits you just keep coming back to...

I posted this on the WW post for today, but I thought I'd get some more feedback.

What was your worst eating habit that you just couldn't seem to break?
How did you get past it?
Is there anything you're currently struggling with eradicating from your eating habits?

Me, I've just realized that I'm consuming WAY too many calories from Starbucks, eating out, and desserts. I NEED to get these mostly out of my diet. I realize that moderation is what needs to happen, but these seem to be my "gateway" foods that not only lead me to eating them more, but when I stop it has the same effect! I'm going to attempt to stop consuming empty liquid calories altogether, and also try to eat fruit instead of sugary desserts. Any other ideas?

Re: Bad habits you just keep coming back to...

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    I like to keep those See's lollipops at my desk and have one after lunch. It keeps me from reaching for the cookies that are ever-present in my office LOL.

    My bad habits are mostly alcohol-related when we go out on weekends. i.e. drinking sugary juice drinks with rum or vodka, or splitting a pitcher of beer with FI because it's cheaper than ordering them individually, and then I wind up drinking too much and feeling guilty about all those empty calories.
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    Eating out on weekends is definitely a huge problem for me.  FI and I have decided we're only going to eat out once each week.  The problem is when we go out just the two of us on Friday and then on Saturday our friends want to go out.  We don't want to be anti-social, but also don't want to eat out.  I've been trying to just meet people out for drinks when that happens and then have one (or none) because I'm "driving".
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    eating too late at night. okay well its not really THAT late but i like to have dinner around 5/5:30 but sometimes i dont end up eating until like 8. dont ask me why, things always seem to get in the way. i have to stop that, especially since im in bed by 10

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    My worst habit was portion control! I wasn't eating bad things per se, but I was eating 2 sometimes 3 portions of it because I had it in my mind that I needed to eat all that to be full. I pretty much measure all of my food now to make sure I have the correct portions, and realize now that I didn't need that excess to make me satisfied. HUGE DIFFERENCE!

    I'm still struggling with eating out of boredom, especially nights and weekends. Since my FI is gone and a lot of friends are busy with school/work, marriage, etc, I have a lot of free time and find myself unfortunately heading for the kitchen way too often. Stupid since I know I'm not hungry and shouldn't be eating, but it's difficult to kick the habit for some reason.
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    I love to bake. I think that I've literally had some kind of baked dessert on the counter every day since Christmas, in addition to various kinds of breads and muffins for sides and snacks. I've started using whole wheat flour and shortening instead of butter or margarine, which cuts out a LOT of fat. Luckily, both FI and I are good at portion control!
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    Weekends.  I generally just say "eff it" and eat what I want to.  I try to get a lease one good meal in (usually breakfast) but then booze happens and yummy dinner and next thing I know, we're polished off a baguette dipped in olive oil and balsamic.
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    I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that has trouble with weekends.  I've been wondering why I can't get it in my head to just make dinner at home and not drink, but I'm having a really hard time giving it up.
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    Yeah, I just looked out our food bill for this month -- $500!! The month isn't even over & there is only 2 of us....ugh. We did have people over for dinner + bought lunch to bring to my sister & her that def. contributed to the large bill, but still. 

    I still eat a lean cuisine 1 or 2x a week & I'd like to cut it to 1 or zero per week. I am hoping with the nicer weather/better veggies & fruit I will be able to accomplish that!
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    1) I'm such a stress eater. I know whhen I'm stressed I reach for the food...but I just can't seem to replace it with anything...

    2) A so trouble staying on track with the weekends...especially if we go out to eat, have company or go to someone's house.

    3) Portion control...always a problem. I'm better off not having any ice scoop doesn't cut it. I need the container. UGHHH!

    It's a constant battle. 

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    My biggest problem is eating out on the weekend, too. We do a good job of planning meals for the week, but on the weekends we never feel like cooking and go out way too much.

    I also love to bake, and I've tried to cut down on it, but it's not even that I love the products so much (even though I do, also..), I really like the actually baking part. So now I am trying to bake only if I have a place to bring the stuff (a staff meeting at work, going to a get-together at a friend's house, etc). So I can eat a few but not a whole batch.
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