Getting in Shape

How do you fix the sugar cravings?

I am a huge sugar and carbs eater!  I have a sweet tooth from hell, and could eat Italian food for every meal.  I have no clue how to curb these cravings though!  Any advice?

Re: How do you fix the sugar cravings?

  • edited April 2012
    If you click on my pinterest button check out the recipe I pinned for homemade "granola bars"  They are SUPER good for you and you use only a small about of chocolate chips to give it the flavor.  I change the recipe a bit to add in Whey protein powder and sunflower seeds as well.  The seeds and the rolled oats give it a great crunch.  The honey in there is great for sugar cravings plus you get the feeling you're eating chocolate but really there's maybe 2 tablespoons of chocolate in the whole pan!

    Can't beat a snack that you can separate into zip-lock baggies, get a TON of good for you protein, and calm the chocolate cravings all at once :)

    (the recipe only makes a little bit so I'd double it if you want to make enough to save.)

    Edited to Add: I usually cut them in 2in by 2in squares  or cut them up like bars.

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