Hi ladies,
I'm new to this board and I'm curious if anyone else has gotten strange reactions from people they know. Background: I'm 5'7" and a muscular 160 lbs - most people at the office think I'm this fitness nut/super athlete (used to bike 11 miles to work every day, etc). I started dieting about a month ago by counting calories and eating healthier, and so far I've lost 3 lbs, which is great! But anytime I turn down sweets/dessert/munchies etc with the excuse that I'm on a diet/watching what I eat, people give me this weird look and tell me I don't need to lose weight or ask why. I don't really know how to respond to this, so I've been making the excuse that I want to look really great in my wedding dress, but that's not even the whole reason I'm eating healthier. Has anyone else gotten this kind of reaction? I may be an athlete, but I'm not super skinny, and I'm only aiming to lose another 5, maybe 10 lbs, which still won't make me dangerously slim by a long shot.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending more time on this board!