Getting in Shape

Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here


Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here

  • CCSDCCSD member
    First Comment
    Can you recommend any good exercises for toning and slimming my legs?
  • J&K10910J&K10910 member
    10000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited April 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Doug, PLEASE HELP! Hi there!  I am getting married on May 26th, and I just found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant!  I am STRESSING that I am not going to be able to fit into my dress... other than marrying my best friend and meeting him at the top of the altar, my dress is my favorite part of the wedding!  PLEASE help... I need to know what I can do to try to alleviate any of the weight I may put on and still need and want to lose! Do you have any tips?  Any help at this point is most certainly welcomed! Thanks so much! ~ A very uneasy bride and mommy to be
    Posted by aritger[/QUOTE]

    I'm not Doug, but IMO, you need to find out what can be done to alter your dress to fit.  Maintain healthy eating (talk to your OBGYN about how many calories you should consuming) so you're only gaining baby weight and not extra fat from making poor choices, and accept that you're going to gain some weight.  You're supposed to gain some weight, and it's GOOD to gain some weight.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Hi Doug!

    I too am a July 28th bride. Just 3 1/2 months left.

    I already am putting in the effort for mainting my body. I hit the gym 3 times a week - lifting pretty decent weights by following The New Rules of Lifting for Women book (I am deadlifting about 100 pounds and plan to increase it soon) and I also do cardio do days a week. I have lost about 2.5% body fat (currently 25%) and 10 pounds. I would like to lose another 2-5% if possible. I lost the first 2.5% in about a month. I am also following (about 85% strict) the paleo eating plan. I am eating when hungry and loving the fact that it is so easy.

    My question for you really is this: I have an almost flat stomach with just a minor amout of unsightly pudge remaining on my stomach. It's about an inch when standing and pulled together directly in the center. I'd like to lose that - will uppping my cardio to 5 days a week help that? I am contemplating adding in Insanity since it tends to be more HIIT and I am not so good at that on a treadmill or bike. 

    Also, I would like to have much more muscle definition in my arms. You can tell I have a muscle when I flex my bicep, but I want more definition there as well as in my triceps. Suggestions as to how I can get that as well?

    Thanks for your help!
  • anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    Eighth Anniversary 10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited April 2012
    I'm gonna give this a shot.  I'm not an expert in any way but i think I've fought enough weight battles to lend a hand.

    BridetobeJess:  If you don't already, hop on a free site light Sparkpeople or Myfitnesspal and log everything you eat for a week.  Then you can see what caloric levels you currently eat at. A pound of weight is about 3500 calories (so 500 a day = 1 lb per week) so I would think that increasing your calories by switching styles of food to more calorically rich foods (beef instead of turkey burgers, regular instead of light yogurts), and adding an extra snack of high cal but healthy foods (like nuts, peanut butter, cheeses) should help you get to your weight gain goal.

    laura.dixon: From what I understand about the dvd workouts, you don't necessarily "need" any items but it's recommended that you have a pair of dumbells to get the most out of your workout.  I haven't had a chance to try it yet myself but hopefully I will soon and will give a full review as soon as I get my copy.

    babe:  i do a avariety of crunches that have definitely toned my love handle area.  I do a 3x a week grouping of oblique crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, and standards.  it's really improving my shape.  That being said, if your love handles are (like most people's) a fat deposit, you cannot spot reduce fat.  A heallthy, balanced diet will actually do you more good in reducing them than exercise along.  If you need any kelp figuring out a healthy diet, feel free to give me a shout here on the board.

    Rachel.oleo:  You're right, you need help fast.  Luckily, there is still time.  I need more information to accurately address your personal situation (like how many calories per day you are eating) but I'll give you a general list.
    * Watch your salt intake.  Salt is often a HUGE part of prepackaged and convenience foods.  Eating as clean and green as possible gives you control of the salt content and will help prevent extra bloating
    *WATER!  water is your friend, it naturally flushes out excess salts and if you're always well hydrated, your body will have no need to hang onto extra water just in case.
    *Carbs aren't the devil.   Don't worry about those so much.  Just practice a little moderation.
    *Eat your veggies.  I try to make 2/3 of my dinner plate veggies. Steamed, roasted, as a salad, or just via a no additive steamer bag in the microwave.
    *lean protein is your friend.  keep it simple (not fried and in cups of sauce)

    wannerhead: Sounds like you're kicking butt in the gym!  I've got an arm problem as well and no amount of working out is going to fix it because it's fat deposits and you cannot spot reduce.  I' have a calorie deficient diet, I'm eating clean and healthy, and my H told me the other day that my arms are looking tighter, so I think it's working!  Maybe taking a hard look at your diet will show some nutritional improvements that can be made to get you to the hot arms you want.

    scartybee: You say you eat healthy but what does healthy mean?  How many calories are you taking in daily vs how many are you burning int he gym?  As much as you're working out, i suspect your diet needs to be tweaked if you're not seeing any results.

    Olaina:  Oh my that sucks!  I've been there though. And I think it was ab exercises that did it.  It's totally "normal" but not something you want to do to yourself regularly. If it's just a day or so after exercise that it burns and the muscles are tight, i generally just try to "walk it out" to limber up the muscle a bit.  This all depends upon what type of hurt it is.  If you think you might not have just overexerted, please visit your doctor. They can better advise you in case of an actual injury.

    Jen: If your bit of tummy pudge is fat, you'll need to look to your diet for that.  Paleo is great for some people, but maybe you're not quite where you should be calorically because you're doing intuitive eating.  Perhaps tracking your intake for a week or so will bring to light where there might be a problem?
  • Hello, I bought my dress back in November and it fit perfectly, however I tried it on again recently and I could zip it up just fine until I got to the very top.  Apparently, my bust size has increased in the last six months.  Do you have any tips for a workout to spot reduce in that area?  My wedding isn't until next year, so I have plenty of time.  Thanks.
  • Cavalos12Cavalos12 member
    First Comment
    edited April 2012
    Hi Doug,
    I'm getting married Sept 1 and I just bought my bridalicious dvds...but cant find the ebook, so I don't know where how to track this.
  • Morning!

    I have two questions, but first some background:  I have lost just about 30 pounds so far on my journey, by eating much healthier, cutting back on alcohol, and working my tail off at the gym.  I spin about 3-4 times/week, run/walk 2 times/week, lift 5/6 days/week, and usually have one other source of cardio during the week (zumba, boot camp, etc. - just to keep it interesting!).  I usually work out 6 days/week total.  

    So all in all, I'm really satisfied with my progression as my big day approaches (7/3).  

    Here are my questions - I know that I cannot spot reduce fat.  My main problem area is directly underneath my bra strap (upper stomach) - are there any ab exercises that can help me firm this area or would you suggest just keep at it with the cardio?  

    Second question:  I have a wrist injury/arthritis (at the ripe old age of 31) that prevents me from bearing weight on a flat hand (think - push up hand form).  I can do push-ups from my knuckles, but seriously, those are HARD.  So, I would love to pick your brain for alternative movements for push-ups and tricep dips, which also seem to aggravate my injury.  I do plenty of other chest/tricep exercises, but I feel like I'm missing something by having to skip out on these two awesome exercises.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post!  
  • In Response to <a href="">Fitness E-books</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi Doug, I'm getting married Sept 1 and I just bought my bridalicious dvds...but cant find the ebook, so I don't know where how to track this.
    Posted by Cavalos12[/QUOTE]
    Hi Cavalos12! There was a technical glitch with the fitness e-books that come with your DVDs. The Knot will have it fixed by this Fri, 4/20 and will email you the proper link and you'll be all set.

    In the mean time, if you want to know how to start the program, just play Disc #1 and watch the GETTING STARTED chapter. That will help a lot<img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />

    Congrats on taking action toward your bridal fitness goals!

    "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"
  • Hi Doug, I am a Bride to be, 38 days to go! Crunch time! Have a trainer in LA working hard. Wanted to know if you had any ideas for toning, staying toned and tight for the Big Day!

  • Hi Doug!
    I have about a year and half or so until my wedding (I know it's far away) but I need your help!!! I have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome which makes it very very difficult to lose weight! Do you have any advice (diet or exercise) how I can reach my goal before it gets down to crunch time before my wedding? I feel like I have try every kind of diet, lifestyle change, and exercise program out there and I can lose maybe 5 pounds, but it comes right back almost overnight it seems! I'm starting to get nightmares and day-mares that this isn't going to go away. It's all in my belly, neck, and face. Any tips would be amazing!
    Thank you Doug

    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:238Discussion:62e5a7a9-bec9-4f0a-9a5d-8f6dbfc50589Post:946b0720-9454-432a-b508-c515ef82298d">Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi there Knotties! Nice to meet you. My name’s Doug Rice. I’m a certified fitness trainer in Dallas, Texas. Since 2005, I’ve worked with thousands of brides at my Bridalicious ® Boot Camps in both Los Angeles and Dallas.   I am very excited to have the opportunity to team up with The Knot to help you reach your wedding day health and fitness goals! I’ll be regularly posting helpful tips, motivation, and much more!   I am passionate about working with brides. I absolutely love it, and hope to get a chance to play a role in your bridal fitness journey. I want to help make sure you walk down the aisle with total confidence and look your bridal best on your big day.   You can think of me as your very own virtual personal trainer. You can reach out for my help and support, just like my boot camp brides have done in person for years! I’m looking forward to reading your questions and will answer them every Friday.
    Posted by Knot Fitness Coach Doug[/QUOTE]
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi Doug, I have 18 months until my wedding. I want to loose 30lbs. I am on Weight Watchers and have been on and off since January. I am eating my daily points values and try to get in more water and healthy foods during the day. I am also going to the gym at least 4 days a week. I do a mix of cardio and some lifting but I can't seem to drop the weight. Is one form of cardio better than another, should I be running out doors or spending 45 minutes on the elliptical? Also if you could give me some pointers for how to loose that much weight in a healthy way I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! -Falon
    Posted by falonl87[/QUOTE]
    Hi Falon! Yes, you can definitely lose 30 lbs in 18 months, and you are wise to get started right away to give yourself some “wiggle room” along the way. Sounds like you have your eating going in the right direction, and this will be a major factor throughout. Remember, you cannot exercise your way through a poor diet. Results will be minimal, and frustrations will be high.
    Going to the gym 4 days a week is excellent -- nice work! But the way you describe your program sounds a bit like you are kind of just winging it and you mentioned doing “some” lifting. Lifting is important, so you should do just as much lifting, e.g. resistance/strength training as you do cardio (30-45 min each). Find 2 or 3 exercises for each body part you are planning on working, and then perform 2-4 sets and 12-15 reps of each. This is a very broad and general suggestion, but it can help get you focused on a more organized program.

    Always check with your physician before attempting a new workout program. The best cardio in my opinion is HIIT which is High Intensity Interval Training. This much more efficient at burning calories, and can burn up to nine times more calories than steady state cardio on a treadmill or elliptical, for instance.

    You can do HIIT intervals either on a cardio machine like a treadmill, or even better outdoors on a long, flat surface, preferably an athletic field. Run at sprinting speed for 30-60 seconds. Slow to a brisk walk or slow jog for 60 seconds and then burst with sprinting speed again for another 30-60 seconds. Depending upon your fitness level, repeat this interval 6-12 times in a row. It should take you less than 30 minutes, but you will burn many more calories than 30 or even 60 minutes of running at a steady pace on a treadmill.

    Good luck and check back in with me to tell me how you are progressing.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hello, I bought my dress back in November and it fit perfectly, however I tried it on again recently and I could zip it up just fine until I got to the very top.  Apparently, my bust size has increased in the last six months.  Do you have any tips for a workout to spot reduce in that area?  My wedding isn't until next year, so I have plenty of time.  Thanks.
    Posted by cprice00[/QUOTE]

    Hi Cprice00! Well, I can’t say for sure, but most likely it is not just an increase in your bust, it is likely an overall increase that appears to be in that one area because that’s where the zipper gets stuck. Either way, unfortunately you cannot spot reduce weight, but you can lose body fat overall and it will create a more shapely, trim and pleasing figure for you.<img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />

    Since you have plenty of time, concentrate on working out with a combination of resistance training and HIIT training which is High Intensity Cardio Training. This is done through short, but intense bursts of exercise like sprints or hill running. Trade off the high intensity for periods of recovery. Usually about a 30-60 second burst is followed by about a 60-90 recovery, but it can really depend upon your body’s conditioning level. <img src="" border="0" alt="Tongue Out" title="Tongue Out" />

    Combine your HIIT with resistance training to all the major muscle groups, and workout at least 3-4 times per week.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Morning! I have two questions, but first some background:  I have lost just about 30 pounds so far on my journey, by eating much healthier, cutting back on alcohol, and working my tail off at the gym.  I spin about 3-4 times/week, run/walk 2 times/week, lift 5/6 days/week, and usually have one other source of cardio during the week (zumba, boot camp, etc. - just to keep it interesting!).  I usually work out 6 days/week total.   So all in all, I'm really satisfied with my progression as my big day approaches (7/3).   Here are my questions - I know that I cannot spot reduce fat.  My main problem area is directly underneath my bra strap (upper stomach) - are there any ab exercises that can help me firm this area or would you suggest just keep at it with the cardio?   Second question:  I have a wrist injury/arthritis (at the ripe old age of 31) that prevents me from bearing weight on a flat hand (think - push up hand form).  I can do push-ups from my knuckles, but seriously, those are HARD.  So, I would love to pick your brain for alternative movements for push-ups and tricep dips, which also seem to aggravate my injury.  I do plenty of other chest/tricep exercises, but I feel like I'm missing something by having to skip out on these two awesome exercises. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!  
    Posted by reggiesmommy[/QUOTE]

    Hi Reggiesmommy! Wow!! Congrats on losing 30 lbs already. That is fantastic and you really sound like you know what you’re doing. One of the things I like about your workout program is all of the variety and cross-training. This keeps your muscles “guessing” and therefore challenges them which helps your workouts become more effective.

    There are no truly “magical” abs exercises, but one you might like is a combination ab crunch to chest fly. It helps with that upper body area you are focused on. Just lay on your back with 5-10 lb dumbbells. Arms are out to your sides with a very slight bend in the elbow. Crunch forward by bringing the bottom of the rib cage toward the hip bones, and then imagine you have barrel laying on your chest and you are going to hug and squeeze the barrel while simultaneously exhaling and squeezing the abs too.

    As far as pushups. Have you tried to do your pushups while gripping a straight barbell or two dumbbells? This can help you from bending the wrist and adding all that pressure to the joint. The bar enables you to keep the wrist aligned and minimizes the downward pressure.
    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"</strong>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi Doug, I am a Bride to be, 38 days to go! Crunch time! Have a trainer in LA working hard. Wanted to know if you had any ideas for toning, staying toned and tight for the Big Day! Thanks!!  xoxxx
    Posted by alilevine712[/QUOTE]

    Hi Alilevine712! Say "howdy" to LA for me. I lived there for 6 years but moved back to Dallas in 2010. I have lots of former Bridalicious Boot Camp brides in LA and I miss them<img src="" border="0" alt="Wink" title="Wink" />

    It's good that you are working with a trainer, and I'm sure he can shake things up for you and intensify your workouts as you head down the home stretch. But on top of that, your diet will become more and more critical for you. Concentrate on eating supportively and a very GENERAL rule of thumb is to take your target goal weight and add a "0" on the end. That gives you a fairly decent idea of how many calories to consume each day. In other words, if your goal is to weigh 140, then you would consume about 1400 calories or so per day. I cannot give you specific diet advice like a daily menu, but it will be very important for you to follow a healthy, responsible eating program during these final weeks. This is what will help you reach those transformative changes you are striving to achieve<img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"
  • In Response to <a href="">PCOS weight lost tips?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi Doug! I have about a year and half or so until my wedding (I know it's far away) but I need your help!!! I have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome which makes it very very difficult to lose weight! Do you have any advice (diet or exercise) how I can reach my goal before it gets down to crunch time before my wedding? I feel like I have try every kind of diet, lifestyle change, and exercise program out there and I can lose maybe 5 pounds, but it comes right back almost overnight it seems! I'm starting to get nightmares and day-mares that this isn't going to go away. It's all in my belly, neck, and face. Any tips would be amazing! Thank you Doug -Selena In Response to Re: Get Answers to Your Fitness Questions Here :
    Posted by SelenaC89[/QUOTE]

    Hi Selena. I can certainly understand your frustration and I admire your determination to meet your fitness goals before your wedding. I would love to be able to give you the perfect answer, but there isn't one. I am not a doctor, and it sounds like due to the informaton you gave me, you might want to consider seeing a physician or a specialist that can help you take on this issue in a way that is not only effective, but safe and responsible.

    You definitely do not sound like someone who is willing to give up, so good for you. Keep seeking solutions and maybe a medical professional will be able to get you going down a a path with the results you want and deserve!<img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"
  • Thank you so muc Doug! I am not one to give up, you are right! Thank you for the suggestions to see a specialist! I will get right one that! :) Thanks again!

    In Response to <a href="">Re: PCOS weight lost tips?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to PCOS weight lost tips? : Hi Selena. I can certainly understand your frustration and I admire your determination to meet your fitness goals before your wedding. I would love to be able to give you the perfect answer, but there isn't one. I am not a doctor, and it sounds like due to the informaton you gave me, you might want to consider seeing a physician or a specialist that can help you take on this issue in a way that is not only effective, but safe and responsible. You definitely do not sound like someone who is willing to give up, so good for you. Keep seeking solutions and maybe a medical professional will be able to get you going down a a path with the results you want and deserve! -Doug <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> "No quitting 'til the final fitting!"
    Posted by Knot Fitness Coach Doug[/QUOTE]
  • I am in need of help with losing my "love handles" and the "fat" behind my arms. I have always struggled with large love handles and I HAVE to lose them before my wedding day. My date is set for October 12, 2013 so I do have plenty of time. I have done many workouts in the past to overcome my love handles. I do walk/run on a regular basis which does not seem to cover it. I have danced (ballet, tap, jazz, and pointe) for the last 13 years and I developed love handles some time during those years. It seems nothing helps. I have tried dieting and a few trainers advice for getting rid of them but nothing works. I am so self conscious about them and my arms and I have been since about the 10th grade. I would love to kick this in the butt before my big day so I can look and feel my best. Any of your tips would I would be grateful for! Thanks Doug

  • Hi Doug. I am recently engaged to a wonderful man who is stationed in Afganistan. He doesn't know when he will be coming home yet. All our decisions are waiting until he does come home. I am actually considered obese. (5'3" and 175 lbs.) All my weight is in front, in my chest and belly. I want to get healthy and lose weight for my health as well as my wedding. I don't know where to start. I work an erratic schedule and have 2 kids at home. I am 40 years of age and feel younger at times. Help! Where do I start?
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