July 2012 Weddings

so over wedding planning - vent

This is just me trying to express everything in one place and maybe after I write it all down, I will have a better idea of how to proceed.

Yesterday I wrote how my mother isn't following through with the money that she said she wanted to contribute and it just keeps building from there.  In March, before I booked anything, she asked me what kinds of plans FI and I were going to make and she told me that she wanted to contribute $10,000.00 which was completely unexpected because I didn't think that my parents had that kind of money.  I asked her several times to make sure that this was something that she really wanted to do because I didn't want to put my parents in a tough spot financially.  She assured me that they were okay with giving us that money and I just thought, "Well, maybe they have been saving because they knew that a wedding was coming soon." 

Since booking the venue, she has given me about a quarter of the money and anytime I bring up making a payment on something, she says, "Well, we will definitely be giving you guys our tax refund," which has made me realize that they don't have ANYTHING saved and I am shouldering the burden.  In August/September I asked them atleast 3 times very seriously if they would like us to cancel everything and do something small but they insist that they can handle it even though they don't want to set up a payment schedule.

Tonight, I am supposed to go and try on my dress because it just came in and I made plans with my mom to go and see it and make a payment on it. But she canceled on me because she said she isn't feeling well. 

I know that my parents have great intentions in following through on what they said but they have no idea how much this is bothering me because they brush it off everytime I bring it up even though they were adamant about helping in March/April.

This is supposed to be such a happy time for FI and me and we feel like it is getting soured.  He thinks we should just elope and he has said that from the beginning.  Now I am wishing that I listened.

I hope this doesn't sound selfish, it's just frustrating to be in this situation with my parents because I have a great relationship with them otherwise.  Tonight, I am going to talk to FI about looking into eloping and paying back my parents what they have given us so this will all be over.

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