Getting in Shape

Pulled? Muscle.... runners help

I believe I pulled a muscle while running. I think it is my groin muscle. It mainly hurts along there, but at times radiates to under my hip bone and even to my lower back on the same side. It hurts most when I am sitting, or laying on the side I injured.
I had been having very minor aches for about a week or so, but nothing major, didnt think much of it. Figured I stretched funny, or not enough.
I went for a 5 km run yesterday and now am feeling it.

Any tips on anything I can do to help? stretches? ice, heat?
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Re: Pulled? Muscle.... runners help

  • freebread03freebread03 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Love Its First Answer
    edited April 2012
    You could very well have a strain, but a pulled muscle would have hurt instantly with significant pain (do you ever watch the olympics and during the 100 meter sprint someone pulls up grasping their leg in pain, or falls to the ground during the middle of the sprint?  THAT'S a pulled muscle).  But, then again, some would say that a strain is a mild pull.

    Is it tender to the touch, or does it like you said hurt pretty much just when sitting or lying down?  If it hurts around your hip and back, it could be your sciatica, which is sometimes aggraveted from running. I'm not a doctor, so this is only my opinion as an experienced runner.  I'd suggest resting, iceing, ibuprofin, and stretching.  And taking time off.  And if a week off with the above treatment doesn't make it any better, I'd suggest seeing a sports doctor.
  • I'd go with R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation)

    For compression I like a deep massage to work any kinks out.  It REALLY sucks to ge tthe massage but it feels great after.

    Just take it easy and if it continues to hurt instead of recover at all, please visit your doctor.
  • acaponi87acaponi87 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited April 2012
    I often have a similar's around the top of my right thigh and kinda goes along up toward my hip. I described the pain to my cousin after a race (she's training to be a physical therapist) and she seemed to think it was an "IT band" issue. It's not a groin.,but close to the groin.

    Like PP said if you truly pulled something it would have been an immediate pain. When I get this pain which is almost always when I run (I usually run 3-5 miles) it's a moderate pain but doesn't come on until after I finish running (but almost immediatly after). Like you MAJOR pain, but definite discomfort/minor aches and such.

    Not sure it's the same thing but if you google stuff about the IT band you'll find stretches to help prevent strain on it. It seems to be a fairly common issue in runners and cyclists. I'd give it a couple days rests, read up, try some new stretches and maybe start with a little less difference and see if you notice a difference.

    Good luck!
    June 16, 2012
  • I've had similar pain and it is my iliopsoas muscle. That starts in the inner groin area and goes up (like a hip flexor) and around the hip. I've had it with the lower back pain too. Ice is helpful, and rest too. When you feel better, make sure to stretch, stretch, stretch. My physical therapist suggested "cobra" stretches for the lower back and front of the hip. Good luck!
  • doesn't sound like a pulled muscle to me. I was a breaststroker in college and I got sore groin muscles sadly, pretty much every day.  ditto the RICE suggestion.  

    our trainers also recommended doing what they called the "breaststroker machine" in the weight room to strengthen the groin area. It's the weight machine where you sit down with the weight in between your legs and press inwards with your thighs. It might not be a bad idea for you to do a light amount of strengthening as well.  

    I might try a few light yoga classes too. back stretching and lots of groin/hip stretching would probably feel wonderful to you. 

    listen to your body, and make sure you back off when you feel pain.

    good luck! 
  • thanks for all the advice! I have been icing and taking time off running and long walks for the week. In just the past couple days it has been feeling much better. I will have to be sure to stretch more before and after running in the future!
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