Getting in Shape

Lost 5 pounds!

yay! I'm so happy! I lost 5 pounds last week:]
When I was a child, I was obese, over 150 pounds and I was 5 feet tall..
As a teen I went the other extreme and weighed under 100 pounds at times and I grew during that period... Then REAL life started and I started working like crazy and having to eat bad food at crazy times that are NOT healthy! (example, have dinner almost at midnight!) so my weight went up to 132 pounds.. NOT good! (btw, 5ft. 3" now)

This past week I started dieting and managed to lose 5 pounds! yay! I am now 127 pounds.. I'm really excited because I've wanted to lose weight for a while, but haven't been motivated. I'm hoping to go down to 115 pounds before November and mantain! 

But yeah! Anyhow, I'm excited!
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