Getting in Shape

Anyone doing P90X?

I just started P90X over againg since I had knee surgery 1 yr ago. My wedding is in March of 2013 but I want to get going and movitivated right now for good! Has anyone completed it for the 90 days and willing to share reslults? Is anyone else just starting out?

Re: Anyone doing P90X?

  • I am doing a similar routine called Supreme 90 Day ... I am on day 24 and I love it so far. It is a challenge but hoping it will pay off. In the 24 days I have not lost pounds but I do feel myself and notice myself being a lot stronger and endurance is higher. I just started taking measurements yesterday so I am no help there but I do suggest the program or even p90x which I bet is very similar.
    64862_157110774322536_100000708424779_312151_6782220_n Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yup my friend did it! On day 25 she had lost 10 lbs. she looks awesome and isn't done ! She said its hard and mentally challenging. Stick with it and you will see results like she is .... She ordered it for me online since I keep saying I wanna tone up for the wedding. Guess I'll be starting the challenge too. Good luck!!!
  • My fiance is on round 2 and has so far lost more then 20 lbs and a few pants sizes plus really bulked up his arms.  I've tried a few of the lower intensity workouts and honestly I didn't really like it, but I'm not really the workout video type either ;)
  • I'm just finishing up week 8.  My clothes feel a lot looser and I have lost 6 pounds.  My fiance has gotten to up his calories because he's lost all of his weight at this point.  Stick with it and you will feel great!  I'm not using the P90x diet but I am using MyFitnessPal to track what I eat.  It is tough at first but if you keep at it, the workouts don't feel at all like what they do in the beginning!  Good luck:)
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  • Hey! I am 26 years old and I started Beachbody back in November, I started it with Insanity. Now, I lost 24 pounds and wear a size 5 in pants, now I am doing Chalean Extreme and Brazil butt lift, drinking water, eating right, and drinking Shakeology everyday. This isn't just somthing you should do just to loose weight, this should be a life change. I LOVE it. I am now a coach for Beachbody and I would LOVE to help you achieve your goals (free) I offer online support and make sure that you hit play EVERYDAY!!! If you would like to email me you can :)
  • I completed P90x last year - I saw better results with Insanity (the other program they have) but if you are coming off a knee surgery then Insanity is not for you.  The main thing with P90x is the diet - if you follow their diet or eat much healthier your results will be better (with P90x and with anything). 
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