my brother just came in from AZ. me and my brother are not really close, lol when we hugged it was that akward hug...anyways i made time out of my schedule to meet his new gf who is prego, helped make baby shower favors and made the baby a name shelf. i was talking to my sis last night and she told me my brother told his dad that me and my other sister are getting heavy!!!! WTF this ahole(my brother) knows nothing about my life. the last time he saw me was over 5 years ago and i was heavier then! I have busted my butt for the past 2 years trying to lose weight 50lbs thank you very much! and i also stopped smoking. I guess we will continue to never be close because all that matters to him is looks and money! hopefull posting this will get me past this because i am really p.o'd