Getting in Shape

extrem makeover: weight loss edition

what are your thoughts about this show? i find inspiration in the show but i think they are leaving alot of stuff out. 

Re: extrem makeover: weight loss edition

  • They are leaving a ton out, and I don't like the plastic surgery part tacked on at the end. 

    I feel like shows like this are why people give up so quickly - when they don't see weight loss of 10 lbs in a week and think that it's something wrong with them, and not the TV shows.  Plus, it's showing that the surgery is necessary to 'really look better' because weightloss alone wouldn't make your body 'ideal enough.'
  • What Lobster said, pretend I said it all too.
  • YES! i agree.  i know they are losing alot because they are shocking their body but cmon! did they have lap band surgery, taking pills? it just doesnt seem real
  • I think it's real, just not realistic.

    These people make losing weight their job.  Heck, I'm pretty sure I could lose a ton of weight is that was my only task in a day.  Work out, eat healthy, sleep.  Sounds like a plan.
  • Me and my FI love that show and everytime we watch it it gives us the motivation to work out!  It may not be realistic what they do and I agree with the post above that yes if you work out all day, eat healthy, and sleep than it is doable.  Us normal folk work and have families and I know its hard for me to work out everyday!

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