Getting in Shape

Motivation/High Stress Job

Hi knotties!
I am currently struggling to stick to a consistent schedule at the gym. I have had a tendency for the past two months to work very hard one week and then not make it to the gym at all the following (or only once); sometimes this slips to two weeks.

I have a very stressful/busy job as an elementary school counselor in a very high needs, low income part of Cleveland. I consistently work about 10 hours a day, not including the time I spend doing paperwork at home. If a kid has a crisis (i.e. suicidal/no home/abused), my work expands.

On those weeks, I feel like coming home and sitting on the couch! In general, I have very good eating habits. I also enjoy exercising and feel better when I am able to. I just feel like my energy level dips the second I walk out of my school!

I'm not looking to lose any major weight, I simply want to be healthy. Anyone else in my boat with a stressful/demanding job? How do you find motivation/energy to stay fit?


(feels good just to vent a little)

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