Getting in Shape

Weight loss: before and after

Hi everyone,

I had a 75+ pounds weight loss about 6 years ago. Watching what I eat and exercising daily has kept it off. Although I haven't gained any weight since then, I haven't been to the gym since the summer. I work full time and go to school full time, so life has been hectic now that I'm closer to graduating. I'm not really looking to lose more weight, I just want to tone up and feel healthy. I hope to kick start my work out routine again now that winter break is coming up so I decided to look into this board for some motivation.

Does anyone have any before and after photos they would like to share? Here are mine. The second "after" is when I went wedding dress shopping for the first time (but that's not my dres). I hope these can serve as motivation for others as well. It can be such a struggle, but the results are more than worth it.

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Re: Weight loss: before and after

  • thats my 30+ pound difference, crappy photo but I dont have any pro photos back yet...*shakes fist at photographers taking forever*
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  • You guys look amazing!  What a great reward for all of the hard work you have put in!
  • I dont know what AW means but I think you are asking me if I posted wedding photos..?

    I haven't -but only because I have not received ANY from the photographer yet and the only ones I have seen on FB are a few shoddy cell phone pics my brother took (like the one I posted above)
    Once I get them in I will be indulging the wedding porn need :)

    Also Wow you can really see the difference in your photos all of you girls are inspiring :)
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  • linnyv27linnyv27 member
    100 Comments 5 Love Its First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2012
    Congrats everyone you girls look amazing! xcaly thank you. you look fabulous where you're at! souptin You look beautiful in your wedding dress. Please do post pictures once you receive them. kwitherington 31 pounds between dress shopping and your wedding? that's amazing! You look wonderful. Did you end having to alter your dress a lot due to the weight loss? And have you posted wedding photos? I'm on mobile so I can't click to see your past posts. EDIT: sorry if there are no breaks/spacing, I'm on mobile and the format looks weird after I post.

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    image 123 Invited
    image 96 Are ready to party
    image 27 Will be missing out
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  • I pretty specifically didn't take before/after type photos because I was so horrified of the way I'd let myself get. I know you can really see a different just in my face though.

    A photo from last fall - I'm the one taking a picture in the middle.

    and here is 35/40 lbs down.

    The one place I wish I would slim out is my hips and of course that's the last place that change is happening. My upper body has slimmed down a LOT since I started this though.

  • Way to go ladies!! You all look great! More will power than I have right now... luckily my wedding isn't for another 9 months!  Keep up the great work!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Weight loss: before and after</a>:
    [QUOTE]Way to go ladies!! You all look great! More will power than I have right now... <strong>luckily my wedding isn't for another 9 months!  </strong>Keep up the great work!
    Posted by apowley2[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's plenty of time to start making improvements to be where you want to be.  Come chat with us in accountability, etc. and stick around :)</div>
  • I love seeing before and after pics.  They are always so motivating.  Everyone looks great! 
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  • Great pics everyone! Congrats to all...
    Aug 2013 Brides - January Siggy Wedding Site, Pinecrest Lake: imageWedding Countdown Ticker

  • Im in the green shirt up there. I bet its 60 pounds here. And I KNOW its a bikini pic, sorry but Im very proud of myself just as everyone else should be. Everyone looks fantastic!!
  • Holy crap! the differences are amazing in you girls!
    Keisha, I wouldnt worry about a bikini photo, as soon as I am slim enough to wear one you bet your skinny ass I am going to get one!
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