My fiance and I are getting married in April of 2011 and, while I'm looking forward to our married life together, my appearance and the idea of being 'on display' for the wedding is seriously getting me down.
I've never considered myself much of a beauty and I've had issues with my weight since my teenage years. Right now, largely due to a (former!) job that sucked my will to live, I'm hovering around my heaviest weight to date -- as much as 50lbs from the last time I felt confident in my skin.
I know my fiance loves me and he put this ring on my finger without a thought to my weight. I also know I'm not happy at my weight and it's preventing me from doing things like picking a photographer and making appointments to go dress shopping. As shallow/self-indulgent as it sounds, I just don't feel like I 'deserve' or can enjoy these things at my current weight.
We have more than seven months to go and I'm making a serious attempt here. In the last month, I've started working out with a trainer twice a week, following a meal plan from my nutritionist, and spending about 40mn a day, five days a week, on the elliptical my crazy supportive fiance spent three hours putting together. I've given up 'junk' food and drink so much water my boss probably thinks I'm preggers!
... But this is a process, right? And while I stick to the process, I still feel like an imposter. Like I'm not cute enough to go dress shopping or have our engagement photos taken. My question is -- has anyone else had this feeling and what, if anything, did they find useful in overcoming it?