Getting in Shape

Stubborn tummy pudge!

Any ideas on the best way to get rid of that annoying layer of pudge that won't get off my stomach? I know you can't 'spot reduce' particularly, and I am trying to get in plenty of cardio as well as watching what I eat, but this just is refusing to budge! I'm also not really sure what types of ab exercises I should/could be doing: I have bulging disc issues in my lower back, so I don't know what exercises I can safely do without risking more aggravation to that area! Help! Any ideas/suggestions? What has worked for you?

Re: Stubborn tummy pudge!

  • anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    Eighth Anniversary 10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited April 2012
    Like you said, you can't spot reduce.  You can certainly work on toning your belly but if it's a layer of fat, your best bet is to switch up your diet to lose the few pounds.  You said you are watching what you eat.  What's your daily caloric intake excluding exercise?  What kind of diet do you have?

    More details make it easier for us to advise you.

    Welcome to the board!
  • Unfortunately that's one of the hardest spots to burn for women. Many believe it's because women were MEANT to keep a little cushion right there to protect our wombs for the babies.

    I also have a slip disk in my lower back too (yay... ) so I feel your pain there. You can do most ab exercises but you need to be doing them PROPERLY. Keep that tailbone TUCKED. whatever you do, do NOT let that lower back off the ground. If you can't do a particular exercise without letting your lowerback slip up, don't do it until you have the ab/back strength to do so. 
    You should also be keeping muscle on that lower back. The back muscles are complementary to your abdominals.. .So whenever you do one, you should do the other to balance out. That will also help fight the pudge. 

    I will tell you that I'm in great shape and do lots of cardio as well, but could no get rid of that little pudge until I finally cut out refined grains and sugars... Kinda sucks, but I have more energy and the pudge is completely gone. Every body is different, so that may not be the thing that works for you, but it did for me. 
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