Getting in Shape

My rendition of "getting in shape"...

While this isn't a post of weight-loss dreams (and boy do I dream), but rather a post about getting my teeth into shape.

I tried finding another board to post this in but none of the other ones felt quite right (unless I just wasn't looking hard enough!).

I have struggled with my smile ever since I can remember. I love to smile and laugh but I wish my teeth looked the way I wish they did! My two front teeth (up top) are uneven, the right side (up top) is very spacy and still has a baby tooth! (The permanent tooth is sideways in my gums and not going anywhere anytime soon.) The left upper side isn't too bad but still spacy. My bottom teeth have never been a problem and I'm fine with my teeth being small.

It has always been a major factor in the low self-esteem I usually express. Unfortunately. I feel like if my teeth were perfect, I would be so much happier. I get the whole "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" and "it's not about what's on the outside that counts"...I totally get it! That's what helps me get through every day. But it's something that I literally have no control over and that's what hurts the most. I can change my weight, hair, and style, but fixing my teeth takes time, pain, and lots of money.

And now for the photos:
This was the most recent one taken a couple weeks ago. That's my ~good side.

This was probably about two years ago. This is a good one to see the uneveness of the top teeth.

This is probably the best one to share. This was about five years ago. I look back at photos that are supposed to be glimpses of memories but all I can focus on is how awful my teeth look. It's truly painful to hear people who have straight/even teeth complain about their smile.

I wish I could look at this picture and think "that was a great night with one of my best friends" but still, I see my teeth.

Yeah, you get the story.

Now that everyone knows the story and sees the photos...
Does anyone know of a procedure that can be done to help fix my situation? I don't want to look back at my wedding photos and hate myself for not getting my teeth fixed. I don't want to tell the photographer and videographer to only shoot my left side (because I will if I'm stuck with these teeth).

I am in the New Orleans area and am willing to travel (within the state of course). I don't even know what "fake teeth" are called. I obviously don't want dentures but I don't know what to do or how much this could cost me. I'm willing take away from the wedding if it means I can be happy with my smile for once.

So...any suggestions?

Please help me if you know anything that I don't (which is everything)!
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