Getting in Shape

My Workout

Hi everyone.. I am 5'2 and 110 lbs, I am trying to maintain my weight after i just gained to get to this weight. Do you think this is too much? I am on a very clean/strict meal plan of 1800-2000 cals a day. here is what I do each week, advice or comments are welcome.

Monday: 45 min weight training: shoulders, tri's and abs, 45 min spin or run (intervals)
Tuesday:45 min weight training: legs and abs, 45 min spin or run (intervals)
Wednesday: 45 min weight training: back, bi's and abs, 45 min spin or run
Friday: 45 min weight training: legs and abs, 45 min spin or run
Sunday: Either 45 min of spin or run OR an activity such as a sport

Re: My Workout

  • I agree with PP, but I will tell you right now that upon initial glance, you are doing WAY too much ab work. Way way way way too much. 
  • edited January 2013
    I burn around 600-700 cals, maybe even more in my workouts. I am just playing around with it to try and find the right balance. Everyone has different opinions on ab workouts. I was doing them 5 days a week and had a 6 pack. I also tried doing them 2-3 days but it wasnt as effective for me. I am trying 4 days of 3 exercises, 3 sets each. It depends on your body I guess. I am just curious because a lot of these threads the women are trying to lose weight, and that requires more cardio. I am not sure if 45 min a day is counter productive and unnecessary if im just trying to maintain and stay lean.
  • You asked about your work out routine overall, so I answered. I would give you my opinion on abs, but it seems you don't want it so I will move on. 

    If you're wanting to know SPECIFICALLY about your cardio.. Well like you said.. Everyone is different. We all have different needs and wants. 

    Cardio isn't just about losing fat mass. In your case (since it sounds like that's not your goal) cardio is important to maintain or increase VO2 max. If this isn't as important to you, then cut back to 3-4 days for a balanced work out. If nothing else, don't do your leg days on a cardio day or vice versa. The cardio you do works your legs. It seems a little unnecessary and you can risk over working your leg muscles which will work against you. 

    Ultimately, though, you said you're looking to maintain, so if this is what you are doing and you are maintaining while doing it, then you already have your answer. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:238Discussion:e3d0502e-f414-4e25-bc7c-87210f7d946cPost:9da81380-0fe0-44e5-8f5d-f3697fa2070e">Re: My Workout</a>:
    [QUOTE]You asked about your work out routine overall, so I answered.<strong> I would give you my opinion on abs, but it seems you don't want it so I will move on.</strong>  If you're wanting to know SPECIFICALLY about your cardio.. Well like you said.. Everyone is different. We all have different needs and wants.  Cardio isn't just about losing fat mass. In your case (since it sounds like that's not your goal) cardio is important to maintain or increase VO2 max. If this isn't as important to you, then cut back to 3-4 days for a balanced work out. If nothing else, don't do your leg days on a cardio day or vice versa. The cardio you do works your legs. It seems a little unnecessary and you can risk over working your leg muscles which will work against you.  Ultimately, though, you said you're looking to maintain, so if this is what you are doing and you are maintaining while doing it, <strong>then you already have your answer.</strong> 
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    Thank you, but if I was sure of the answer, I would not have posted. I have come across some snippy people on this site, and I don't need answers like yours if you're going to answer like that.
  • sry just was a little offended...but thanks for your help, i do appreciate it. I will just see what happens and if i lose i will up my cals.
  • FWIW, your abs are pretty much the only muscle group that it's ok to work on consecutive days.  Unless, of course, you're working them to exhaustion.  If they're sore, it's not a good idea to focus on them again without a rest day, but if you're just doing a few sets, it's really not a big deal.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: My Workout</a>:
    [QUOTE]thanks... I burn around 600-700 cals, maybe even more in my workouts. I am just playing around with it to try and find the right balance. Everyone has different opinions on ab workouts. I was doing them 5 days a week and had a 6 pack. I also tried doing them 2-3 days but it wasnt as effective for me. I am trying 4 days of 3 exercises, 3 sets each. It depends on your body I guess. I am just curious because a lot of these threads the women are trying to lose weight, and that requires more cardio. I am not sure if 45 min a day is counter productive and unnecessary if im just trying to maintain and stay lean.
    Posted by julespinkribbon[/QUOTE]

    <div>The best way to get a sick pack is exactly what you've been doing - exercising regularly and eating clean!</div><div>
    </div><div>Your workout looks challenging, you just have to be eating the proper foods to maintain your body while fueling your workouts.</div><div>
    </div><div>A great nutrition tip that has worked for me is to only eat carbs (whole grain options) within 1-2 hours post workout. That way it will feed the muscles I've worked out as opposed to being stored as fat! Oh and also eat protein at every meal!!</div>
  • thanks everyone for all the advice and input!!!
  • I think one issue is that you are over-estimating how mnay calories you are 110 lbs it is very unlikely that you are burning 700 calories in a workout, even an intense workout.  
    I know that those heart rate monitors and machines at the gym will give you numbers of calories burned but I find them to be wildly high.  (I have a running disagreement with my FI about this!)
    If you were truly burning almost half the calories you are taking in then you would be losing over a pound a week.  I also think that you should talk to a personal trainer at your gym since they are fitness professionals and can advice you how to reach your goal.
    Good luck!

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