Hi girls!
I've dropped in on a couple posts already over the weekend, but since I'm relatively new to the board I thought I should introduce myself! I've always been a gym go-er, but since getting engaged last spring I've been a bit more vigilant in my efforts (especially given that I recently finished college and definitely had the tummy to show I had lived off of McDonalds, ramen, and beer for 5 years!). I'm getting married in 4 months and am working hard to get rid of that bit of excess belly and keep everything else in line. In my group of friends I'm the unofficial workout trainer since even at my worst I was still relatively fit. When I'm not wedding planning or busting my butt at the gym, I'm either painting or racing cars with my future hubby

I've hit the motivational wall as far as workouts go since I'm happy with the shape I am, so if anyone has any tips on how to keep myself going these last 4 months until the wedding I'd love to hear them!