Hello...I haven;t posted here before, but am hoping you all will look over my vows. I know they are kind of long, but am not sure what to cut out. Any ideas? Thanks!!!
EDIT: I went back and cut some out. I think they'e pretty good now!!! Thoughts?
You are my one true love and today, you become my husband. There are so many things that I love about you. I love your sense of adventure, your sense of humor and the fact that you see beauty in the world when I wouldn’t even have bothered to look.
You keep me sane when I turn into the biggest worry wart. You encourage me to try new things and have helped me become a lot less picky (though I still have a long way to go). You are intelligent and caring; you are everything I want in a partner.
Today, I promise to support you in all endeavors. I will be your cheerleader and your helper in everything you do. I promise to laugh with you and explore with you and to do my best to slow down and just enjoy life together. I will love you unconditionally for the rest of our years.
In closing, I want to borrow a few words from Katherine Mansfield :
“We two, you know have everything before us, and we shall do very great things-I have perfect faith in us-and so perfect is my love for you that I am, as it were, still, silent to my very soul. I want nobody but you for my lover and my friend and to nobody but you shall I be faithful.
I am yours forever.”