Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Critique My Vows XP Month Board

(FI's Name), I am here today because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you as my husband. Your sense of humor continues to make me laugh and smile each and every day. Your carefree attitude helps me to let go of the small stresses of life. You are kind and compassionate. When you are not near me I miss you immensely. You are my best friend and my love.

As we have grown together over the past 11 years I have come to see that my favorite times are are not the things we have planned, but the things that happen spontaneously on their own. I cherish the journeys we've taken and I look forward to many more adventures to come. To me marriage is a lifelong commitment made out of love. It is the promise to remain loyal, faithful, and devoted to one another. I look forward to our future together wherever that may lead.

I promise to love you and honor you. I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to support you and encourage you. I promise to be honest and forgiving. I promise to be patient and kind. I promise to turn to you when things get tough and I promise to care for you when you are in need. I promise to grow together with you through whatever life brings our way. I make this commitment today in front of all of our friends and family that I want to love you for the rest of my life.

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