Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Vowes of the heart

My dearest Shana With all my heart i do vow to protect you , honor and obey you to love you and to give all my heart and soul. My spirit and yours guided together by fate have found each other. From day one when we met I felt we needed to be as one as strong as the waves of the ocean breaking on the rocks. After our first day we were swept up like a pair of hawks, inseparable we have become like the soul mates we are even stronger together than a solid gold bar I promise and vow to cook for your hearts desire, as long as you don't mind me with chili made of fire. I shall keep the kitchen up as long as you are there to talk to and will hope that the laundry doesn't eat you I vow and promise to stay our of your chocolate stash as long as you will let me have an occasional hot apple pie if we have the cash I vow to guard you through thick and thin all together there is nothing we haven't seen or been this last year has been a trial, I am glad the jury went the extra mile. We have seen it all and still together we are still climbing the hill I know we will have our ups and downs our love will still grow by leaps and bounds Our family life seems bright, even in the darkest of nights our future is written but not yet read aloud I love you my dearest wife, your the greatest treasure of my life Our boy Talyn he is strong and proud guarding his mom he shouts it out loud I love him so much yes it is a fact let me raise him please my love I will gladly sign that contract my dearest loving Shana please be mine I know forever my love for you will never end As my wife to you I vow, you truly are the sunrise and sunset of my heart I promise all of my heart soul and spirit even beyond the day I die

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