September 2013 Weddings

Invitations stay within budget or get the gorgeous one

I'm trying to watch how much I spend because I dont want to go over budget but I also want a beautiful wedding. I found these gorgeous invitations but they are over the budget we wanted to spend on invitations. I love them but I dont want to spend over 600 for invites that people may not keep. I do have another invitation I can go with that's around 250 but I can't stop thinking about the other one. Should I just go for what I love or be reasonable and stay within my budget. And it doesn't help that my FI says get whatever I want.
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Re: Invitations stay within budget or get the gorgeous one

  • IMO, spending a lot of money on invitations are a waste.  Most people besides close family members throw away the invitations.  For me, there are soooo many other things I'd rather spend my money on.  We looked at expensive invitations and even with a significant discount due to being a close friend who sold them, it was still upwards of $200.  Instead I used a Groupon deal and got all of our invitations, reply cards and stickers for $49 off of Vistaprint.  And I love them! 

    If you're on a really tight budget I would at least consider looking at other invitations.  $600 for invitations is crazy.  I could get a photobooth with that.  ;-) 
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  • That's quite a price difference! I'm a big advocate for working within the established budget -- you're right, invitations get tossed (maybe your immediate family might save them as a memento)...but on the other hand, there's nothing more fun than receiving a gorgeous invite in the mail. Good luck with your decision! 
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  • OP-I am having the exact same issue!!! I cannot for the life of me find any invitations I like, in the least except for ones that are $500-600. However, I just refuse to spend that much because I know that they will get thrown away and forgotten about long before the wedding day comes. I would say to go with the ones in your budget and use the extra money to spluge on yourself- massage, nails, hair etc!
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  • For the OP and PP looking for invites, have you considered contacting an invite designer on Etsy and seeing if they can a) match your beloved invited and b) stick to your budget? I have contacted quite a few sellers and a lot of them are just such nice people -- you never know until you ask!
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  • Thanks I'll have to try that
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  • Thanks I'll have look into that
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  • Once again, I'm with Goofy!  I would never spend $600 on invitations because I know how careless I am with them.  I barely look at them, lose the RSVP cards and do it by phone/text/web anyway, and before I know it my son is doodling on it. Bad guest, I know.

    I bought a beautiful digital invitation suite from an Etsy seller and had been planning to use Cards & Pockets for paper, but VP is actually running a bridal sale right now so I will use the Groupon I've been holding onto and handle it that way.  Spend smart!
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  • Here's how I see it.  You order your invitations.  You put them together and send them off to your guests.  Other than one copy to keep for yourself, you probably never see them again.  If you frame your invitation and put in on the wall, you might look at it everyday, but is that worth going over budget for you?

    Personally, I'd keep looking.  You have plenty of time before invitations need to be sent (and thus ordered) so you can keep shopping for something that you love in your own price range.  Good luck!
  • I agree with the others stay on budget, and splurge in areas that will add something to your actual event. Plus, on top of the 600 you have to add for postage. I found some great deals on Ann's bridal bargains, and am considering seal and send wedding invitations. The samples I ordered look surprisingly nice, on great paper for a great price. My point is prioritize your splurges. For us food and entertainment are at the top, flowers and invitations bottom.
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  • I'd wait it out. See if the ones you love go on sale, or just keep looking until you find something similiar with a better price tag. I just don't think you are sold yet!

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