September 2013 Weddings

Bridesmaids gifts...?

Has anyone started thinking about bridesmaids gifts?  I plan to either purchase or make them jewelry to wear the day of, but what about a formal gift?  My MOH, who got married over a year ago, bought nice household gifts for us-  things we would really use on a daily basis.  So far I'm not inspired to get my BM's nice, practical gifts.  (I'd rather get frilly, girly things, hehe.)  Does anyone have ideas for BM's gifts or actually put together their gifts?
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Re: Bridesmaids gifts...?

  • So far I've gotten them Coach wristlets, and my MOH a big wine set (she's my wine lover); not sure what to get my other BM yet.  I'm also going to get them gift certificates for a spa day.
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    *** September 2013 Signature Challenge: Hair Inspiration! ***
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  • I'm going to get them personalized tote bags and fill them with fun stuff like a flast, wine glasses, jewelry and a framed picture of us nothing too expensive but nice stuff
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  • I made them personalized bags along with making a bridesmaid survival kit. You can google it and there is tons of ideas.
    ~~Sept 2013 Brides - January Siggy - Floral Inspiration~~
    This is my inspiration
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    The actual one I made
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  • Thank you Christina, Jennifer and Tay!  I felt like a was having a major brain fart earlier today.  I love the survival kit idea!
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  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:26a515ec-8009-4599-b81d-5edee3b3fb3cDiscussion:22a2565f-b2e2-4d39-82ba-0d854bf62388Post:0eddd479-bfbb-4d3f-814e-e2c06dbd5f09">Bridesmaids gifts...?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Has anyone started thinking about bridesmaids gifts?  I plan to either purchase or make them jewelry to wear the day of, but what about a formal gift?  My MOH, who got married over a year ago, bought nice household gifts for us-  things we would really use on a daily basis.  So far I'm not inspired to get my BM's nice, practical gifts.  (I'd rather get frilly, girly things, hehe.)  Does anyone have ideas for BM's gifts or actually put together their gifts?
    Posted by Honeybee685[/QUOTE]

    I am having a horrible time thinking of these - and i know FI has not thought of groomsmen gifts yet either especially since he hasn't asked his last guy ... 
    I am thinking of bags with stuff in them that we will use and then they can use the bags later - I was thinking of wristlets I am just not sure if they will be in the budget -

    I am also considering paying for the converse - since I want all of us to have them - and we are going to cover them for the guys too I am pretty sure

    My MOH (sister) and I are both covering the hair and make up I think - they don't have to if they don't want to but I know my one bridesmaid would love to utilize the hair and make up people - but fairly sure she just doesnt have the money ... plus if she does pay for the hair and make up she won't be able to afford a room at the hotel for the night - since both will cost about the same I think if I tell her I am covering the hair and make-up she will be able to get a room
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  • I wanted to give really sentimental gifts, so I'm putting together Shutterfly books for each of my BMs and MOH. They'll show pictures throughout our friendship and will include a text page explaining why they mean so much to me, etc. In addition, I think I'll be giving them fun travel bags, as they're all coming from Oregon to Colorado for the special day.
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  • I am getting my MOH a new purse that I saw here eyeing when we went out recently, filled with some comfy shoes for the day of and some other small items that she loves (chocolates, etc.) For my sister, my only BM, I am going to get her a bunch of nice nail polish, a pick punch for her gituar and probalby something else, but I haven't decided.  She is 14 and I would rather get her something she would use than a bathrobe or a personalized beach bag.
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  • I am thinking of doing a DYI spa at home  a personalizes robe and tote bag filled with different spa items to use at home. I also plan on buying the jewlery they will wear the day of.
  • PDX - i love love LOVE your shutterfly book idea!! Unfortunately I recently lost all my old photos from College, so I dont think I'd have enough to fill a book  but I love that Idea.
    ~~Sept 2013 Brides - January Siggy - Floral Inspiration~~ Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridesmaids gifts...?</a>:
    [QUOTE]PDX - i love love LOVE your shutterfly book idea!! Unfortunately I recently lost all my old photos from College, so I dont think I'd have enough to fill a book  but I love that Idea.
    Posted by ftrmrsw[/QUOTE]
    </div><div>Bummer! I'm sorry you lost all your photos!!! I wonder if you could go through some friends' Facebook photos and salvage some usable pics? If not, the wedding will be the perfect time to take new memorable ones <img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /> Best wishes on your quest for the perfect gifts!</div>
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  • I'm pretty sure I'm getting them each something that is specifically "them" from C. Wonder.
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