September 2013 Weddings

Snarky Pinterest Drinking Game

Found this on the snarky brides board (clicky) and had to share. Hilarious.

"If you have a Pinterest account, go and look in their wedding section.

Take a shot when:
- You see someone planning their "One Day My Prince Will Come" or any version of "I'm not actually engaged or with someone but still planning" wedding
- A gigantic engagement ring that ordinary people could never afford ("maybe someday!")
- Burlap and lace.
- Anything "tiffany blue"
- Pins with links to "a maid or honor or bridesmaid's duties"
- the words "rustic" or "ombre"
- Anything abbreviated unnecessarily (i.e. "adorbs!" or "totes!" or my personal favor "hilar!")
- Anyone planning for their fairytale"

I'm definitely guilty of some of these, but still think this is a hoot. :)
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Re: Snarky Pinterest Drinking Game

  • PDXShari83PDXShari83 member
    100 Comments First Anniversary
    edited January 2013
    This is hilarious! Sharing this! And there is so many pins for burlap and lace...I had no idea it was such a trend right now!
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    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Wedding tickers
  • hahaha! I definitely need to play this game!
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  • Haha this is hilarious.... Seriously there are so many of these ideas on Pinterest..... I'm glad none take residency in my wedding board! Haha
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  • Ruh roh. I'm guilty of burlap, lace and rustic. Oh well. I love my plans.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Snarky Pinterest Drinking Game</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ruh roh. I'm guilty of burlap, lace and rustic. Oh well. I love my plans.
    Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think it's fantastic! Just had no idea about it until perusing Pinterest (like an obsessed maniac for hours on end). Go girl! Love rustic weddings.</div>
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    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Wedding tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Snarky Pinterest Drinking Game</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ruh roh. I'm guilty of burlap, lace and rustic. Oh well. I love my plans.
    Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]

    <div>Goofy, I'm guilty too, this def wasn't meant to insult! </div>
     Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • My favorite are my friends who aren't even in relationships who are planning their weddings!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Snarky Pinterest Drinking Game</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:Snarky Pinterest Drinking Game : Goofy, I'm guilty too, this def wasn't meant to insult! 
    Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]

    Don't worry.  I definitely didn't take it as such!  :-)
    Sept '13 Siggy: Hair Inspiration: photo 019944c286331ab6fdf602efadf91e9e_zps2908bf88.jpg photo 80abfd960b2f390596c647e6ec4518d9_zpsdfb581e8.jpg Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
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