Found this on the snarky brides board (clicky) and had to share. Hilarious.
"If you have a Pinterest account, go and look in their wedding section.
Take a shot when:
- You see someone planning their "One Day My Prince Will Come" or any version of "I'm not actually engaged or with someone but still planning" wedding
- A gigantic engagement ring that ordinary people could never afford ("maybe someday!")
- Burlap and lace.
- Anything "tiffany blue"
- Pins with links to "a maid or honor or bridesmaid's duties"
- the words "rustic" or "ombre"
- Anything abbreviated unnecessarily (i.e. "adorbs!" or "totes!" or my personal favor "hilar!")
- Anyone planning for their fairytale"
I'm definitely guilty of some of these, but still think this is a hoot.