Meeting with potential cake lady tomorrow. I need to get my stragller adress printed and put on an envelope for STD to go out. I am praying taxes are good to us this year. We bought a house last year but kind of sucks when you just make to much period. Govt get its all but what can ya do. I guess just be greatful we have the jobs we have. I need to get organized, I feel like everything is everywhere. IDK what to start though I have ideas in my hedad and I htink I just need to write each ide down then the supplies I need for it and cross it off the list as I go. I think I am just rambling here to get all these crazie thoughts out of my head and this is the only place I can do that with out people thinking I am a total nut job. Anyone else kind of feeling the same way at this point? O yea I got my Dj deposit in this week and next month we go sign out contract and put deposit with the hall where were doing everything. I have a photographer and we are paying her off in March so now its the catering I am worried about and thats why I am keeping my fingers crossed for taxes. LOL sorry this post is kind of everywhere but I must say I feel a little better after writing it all down! SOrry girls I think I have lost it.