September 2013 Weddings


Happy Monday! What does everyone have going on this week?
 Wedding Countdown Ticker


  • Happy Monday Everyone!! (Happy 8 months to the Sept 21st Brides!!)

    This Week seems to be a busy week, but mostly all NWR.

    Saturday we're going to the Venue. There's a wedding this weekend that's purple themed and has the same number of guests were looking at, so we're going to get some perspective of the space and decor. I'm looking forward to that!!

    ~~Sept 2013 Brides - January Siggy - Floral Inspiration~~ Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • NWR: It's going to be a long 11 day work week for me. : WR: I need to book the baker and the tents and get florist quotes! Hopefully it will be as productive as Im hoping for.
    ***January Siggy Challenge... Bouquet Inspiration***
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    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Well I have work all week.  Nothing really to do wedding related.  I do have a funeral to go to for my FH great uncle on Tuesday.
  • WR: 
    -  meet with caterer/baker to plan menu and cakes
    -  find someone local to alter my dress

    -  get my art room cleaned and organized so that I can bring up the totes of wedding stuff and sort through everything.  check against my list to make sure I have everything for my DIY projects
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    Sept. 2013 Board Sig Challenge for March: Hair Inspiration

    Big freeze curls framing my face like this; Inverted braid or Frech twist up the back. No flower. Veil attached to comb in the back at top of braid/twist.

  • NWR: Get out of this hospital and start my new job tomorrow.

    WR: Guest list. Order invitations. 
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm meeting with a potential florist on Wednesday afternoon and will be contacting a few cake shops as well as hairstylists/makeup artists. I also want to narrow down the bridesmaid dress options and get feedback from my MOH.
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    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Wedding tickers
  • WR:
    -Finish the last few save the dates
    -Get postage for the save the dates
    -Go over registry and make sure it's all set for now

    -Figure out lots of crap for the apartment we looked at this weekend.  We decided that we really like it and we are sending in an application for it today.  If we get it, we'll be moving March 1st.  I'll move first and FI will come on the weekends until May.  So excited!
    -Find furniture
  • WR: hunting down emails from DJ, photographer and wedding dress shop.... Maybe getting my granpa to start making some wooden signs that we are gonna have around the venue to point the way to the church, dinner etc.

    NWR: I am gonna buy a car tomorrow!!! I am sooo excited about that. I have never owned a car before so this is gonna be fun :) Also my FI is coming to visit on Saturday and he is staying for a week! YAY for that. Havent seen him in 4 weeks so I look forward to some quality time together.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: MMM</a>:
    [QUOTE]NWR: I am gonna buy a car tomorrow!!! I am sooo excited about that. I have never owned a car before so this is gonna be fun :) Also my FI is coming to visit on Saturday and he is staying for a week! YAY for that. Havent seen him in 4 weeks so I look forward to some quality time together.
    Posted by siriko[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yay for visits!!!!</div><div>
    </div><div>What kind of car are you getting?</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: MMM</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: MMM : Yay for visits!!!! What kind of car are you getting?
    Posted by BostonGIrl4732[/QUOTE]

    Definetly Yay for visits! I dont like long distance relationships that much, and it looks like we are gonna be in one for the next 2-3 years or so, which makes the visits important and very exciting. Hopefully we can get som wedding planning done too when he is here :)

    I am gonna get a toyota corolloa stationwagon. It is a much bigger car than I had initially planned on getting, but a very close family friend owns and runs Toyota here and he convinced me to go for a bigger car now which I can have for years to come so that I dont have to change it in case some kids come along after the wedding. He said it is a great car which I can basically have until I wanna throw it out so I figured why not. I guess my dreams of a cute little two seater car doesnt really fit in with possible family expansion in the coming years ;)
  • HAPPI MONDAI WOW 8 MONTHS TO GO TIME IS FLYING BY...I'm a LVN I work a clinic my doctor have been on vacation for the last 3 weeks so I've had a lot of free time to do wedding stuff at work but now I have a million charts on my desk so no wedding planning for me this week but on Saturday I'm going to our venue to pick out linens and decoration so I'm excited about that and they are treating us to lunch so I get to taste the food again...omg the food there is sooooo good
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • WR: 
    - Picked bridesmaid dresses. CHECK, WOOT!
    - Check out some hotels this Saturday to secure a block
    - Start addressing Save the Dates
    - Get wedding invitation suite weighed and buy postage before the price increase

    - I have call (I'm an OB/GYN resident) this Friday and Sunday, so wedding stuff will have to wait till I'm post-call.
    - Figure out my diet and fitness routine. 8 months and counting...
    *** September 2013 Siggy Challenge: Hair Inspiration ***
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Today I put the deposit on my DJ and Videographer!!! Basically decided who we are going with for cake just have to do my deposit when she emails me the agreement and the sketches! It will be tie dyed looking using food gel over colored fondant. Also taking my floral deposit this week as well I hope
    Wedding Countdown Ticker ~~December Sept. 2013 Siggy Challenge~~ Now & Then Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Late, but this is a snapshot of my week.  I'll be spending lots of time at the post office, both WR and NWR!

    Printing address labels and addressing STDs.  Get postage and mail.  Complete invitation order on VP tonight; assemble suite, weigh and buy postage.  Get florist quotes.  Complete bridesmaids gift glasses - painting is DONE and they're awesome!!!

    Take a few return packages to post office.  Make DIY magazine bins before the stacks I've assembled slide off the bookshelf ;)
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
    Daisypath Vacation tickers
    *** September 2013 Signature Challenge: Hair Inspiration! ***
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