September 2013 Weddings

Anyone out there?

Anyone else counting down the minutes until the end of the day? What does everyone have going on outside of wedding stuff? Anything exciting planned for the rest of the winter season?

FI and I are going out to dinner tonight to a new restaurant in town that is supposed to be pretty fancy. I'm excited -- I love upscale Mexican food, even if it is kind of an oxymoron. 

Still waiting on my photographer to get us our save-the-date photo. Once that's in my hands, we can finally print our cards. I found some baller orange envelopes that I think will just make them extra exciting (orange is FI's fav color and one of our wedding colors, and also featured on the cards).

I also applied for a new job over the weekend... I don't know if I really want to switch jobs right now, but I was recommended for it, so I went ahead and applied.
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Re: Anyone out there?

  • I am also counting down the minutes.  Of course, I have to just go to job #2 so it doesn't really count since I don't get to go home.  I already told them I'm resigning around June/July but I would train whomever they choose to replace me so I hope they don't wait until the last minute to hire someone.  It's at an art center but I do so much there for being part time I feel like it's full time. 

    I found a person on my local board selling her wedding stuff and I am going to pick up 12 shepherd hooks from her this weekend for $25 for all.  I'm super pumped since I haven't seen them much cheaper than $8 each.  Then later Saturday night my fiance and I are going to the symphony.  I look forward to getting dressed up and hearing Brahms. 

    I also found someone to sell me her chinese lanterns that she DIY'd to have coffee filters attached where they look like a huge ball of flowers.  Some are white and some are the recycled brown color.  I love love love them.  We're going to hang them from the beams in the barn (where I'm having the reception). 

    Good luck on the job.  If it's an opportunity for more money, why not?  :-) 
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  • This has already felt like the longest week ever!!! It has been so slow at work and I am bored! Only 30 mintues left though! Then I am going home and playing with my puppy! No idea when FI will be home so it will be a pretty boring Tuesday night. 

    Yay for a 2nd job Goofy! I wish I could get one! I feel like I work strange hours though and don't know how to fit it in, especially since I work some weekends. 

    @mpickl - Good luck on applying for the job! It never hurts to look!

    I am patiently waiting to see if we get a management contract for a property and if we do, I will be impatiently waiting to see if I get promoted!  I already know I have been recommended for the potential position by a few people and my regional said he agrees... so I'm hoping that's a positive sign!!!! It literally would be enough of an increase to change my life! Yes, that's corny, but it would! haha

    I will be working all weekend, but FI and I will be going to visit a friend for dinner that lives about an hour away, which means I get to spend time getting baby fever since they have a baby! haha

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  • Thanks, Ladies!

    @Goofy, sounds like you have your hands full. Glad you and your FI are able to have date nights on the weekends -- that's really important!

    @mrskloop, good luck to you, too! Sounds like an amazing opportunity. Good things come to those who wait.  :)

    The drive in to work this morning was so cold, my fingers are just now beginning to heat up. Brrrrr....
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  • You know how they have those things at train tracks that stop you from driving over the tracks when a train is coming?  Yeah, those broke this morning on my way into work.  They were trying to fix them during rush hour so I was over a half hour late.  Gah.  It's already one of those days.

    FI found an apartment and we should be signing a lease soon (maybe this weekend!).  We've been looking at furniture the last few days online and we're going to go look at some in person this weekend.  We have a limited budget so I don't want to fall in love with a bedroom set I can't afford so that's why we're pre-selecting online.

    It's been fun.  I'm glad we were "ahead" with our wedding planning because I'm not as stressed that we just lost about three weekends for "the big move".  I've organized my to-do list and I think we'll be OK and we won't be stressed.  Yay!
  • AHHHH!!! I just got a text from my old manager that has the same regional as I do and she said she was digging for info... like asking him how I'm doing, etc. and he told her that I'm the next one in line for the big promotion!!! Laughing I hope this position comes open that I'm eyeing!!! I should know within the next few weeks I believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • @Boston: have fun decorating the new place! I like moving -- time to get rid of junk you don't need and start fresh. :)

    @mrskloop: that sounds VERY promising! Super good luck to you! Keep us posted!
     Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @mpickl, it's freezing here too - pretty sure it's 19 degrees outside.  It was in the 50s this time last week so I'm a litlle shellshocked!

    @goofy - my fortitude for second jobs went out the window in my 20s.  You go, girl!

    @mrskloop and Bostongirl, good luck to you both!

    I'm at work and can't get myself together to actually do work; my brain shifted to "all wedding, all the time" mode on Monday and I completed my bridesmaids wine glasses (they came out great and I LOVE them!!).

    Early this morning I logged into Vistaprint and completed our invitation order for a grand total of $28 ($17-Groupon, $11 s&h, everything in the order was "free"), and also got a ton of other stuff too.  After I hit go, I realized that their flat invitations do NOT fit 5x7 pocketfolds and panicked for a millisecond at the price of A9 stuff.  Good news is I searched and found a place that had A9 pocketfold and envelope combos on clearance, and they had JUST enough of the color we wanted in stock to complete the order!

    Invitations done for $90, holla!!!
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