Fi and I have gotten into a couple arguements in the past about the wedding and alot of it being *NOT* what I wanted. I wanted a small wedding at a trendy restaurant with our closest friends and family. We're instead having 150 people in a fairly large venue. Its become more cookie cutter wedding that I wanted and dreampt of.
There are things I look forward to... Like Getting all dolled up and putting on my wedding dress, hanging out with my best friends. I'm really looking forward to the ceremony and everything it cymbolizes. I'm looking forward to all the wedding related activites leading up to the wedding. And I'm looking forward to seeing the over all vison come together.
I'm NOT looking forward to the reception portion. At all. If I could go from the Ceremony to the airport I would. I'm sure the reception will be fun and I'm sure our guests will have a great time. I'm just not looking forward to it. Probably becuase it wasn't what I wanted, so I'm disappointed and therefore just Meh... about it all.
Is there anything about your wedding your not excited about or looking forward to?
~~Sept 2013 Brides - January Siggy - Floral Inspiration~~