Hoping to get some help on how to "announce" having donations in lieu of gifts properly (politely?).
What's Happening: Each guest will have a small card at their table with their name on it and possibly a blurb about the donations. We are going to decorate 2 tissue boxes and put the name of "Big Brothers/Big Sisters" and "Sick Kids Hospital" on them. The idea is for the guests to drop their card in a box awt some point so that they have a bit of say of where the donation goes. We are not announcing how much money per person we will be donating and we are not donating in anyone's name. If guests don't have a charity preference, they can leave the card on their table and we'll still donate.
SO, does anyone have an idea of how my brother can shortly and sweetly explain this??
Re: HELP! How to Say...
1. I guess I should quickly jump in and say -this is posted on a few boards so sorry for not putting XP, I didn't know any better.
2. Not sure if its clear above, but we are not announcing that the donations will be a gift to the guests, but the donations are in lieu of guests
3. We don't want it to be an AW moment -it can be discrete, but I think it would be nice to let the guests have a choice of where the donation goes.