So my fiance wants some sort of edible favors.. I want to do something kind of different though, but I am working with a very limited budget. And I am having a huge brain fart and cant think of any ideas of what would be cute as an edible favor that wont cost me an arm and a leg.. THis is one of the last pieces to my wedding puzzle....Help ladies???
Re: I needhelp picking favors???
AKA GoodLuckBear14

I think I can help!!
At the Dollar Tree they have these WICKED CUTE favor boxes that are bride and groom... 10 come in a package.. so .10 each... now, what to put in them?
Well, if you have an AC Moore or Michael's near you you can purchase cute candy molds, wedding related, Heart shaped,wedding bells, and melting chocolate pieces...
You can make a night of it with your BP or even your FI by handmaking all the chocolates yourselves to put in the favor boxes for each of your guests!!!!
"If you can't think of something nice to say, don't say something nice" - Stephen Colbert
She will do anything custom and the cookies are so beautiful AND they taste REALLY good.