Alrightly ladies I have a question. Does anyone know if Skittles go stale or how long they will keep? Im asking because Im thinking of useing skittles as my favor. I found these cute little tins that i can put candy in.
Heres the thing though. Im not getting married until November 19, 2011 and i want to use ONLY red skittles.
I LOVE red skittles. When i buy a bag of skittles, i will pick out all the red skittles put them in a bag and only eat them after ive eaten all the other skittles. Most times i hide the bag so no one can eat my red skittles because my mom and sister used to think it was funny to take my bag of red skittles from me. I know, its weird, but its my thing.
Were inviting 200 people and i know not all 200 will show, but i will make enough favors for 200 so there are extra just in case.
Thats A LOT of red skittles. So i was thinking that i should start buying a bag of skittles whenever i go to the store and picking out all the red ones and putting them in a seperate bag till my wedding. In November 2011. Will they go stale?
The skittles website is no help, its just a bunch of fan videos and funny sayings and no help at all. Neither is thier facebook page.
So ladies, i am asking yall....Will they keep till then? Do skittles go stale?
I know it would be easier to just use all the skittles, but red skittles are my thing, and now im kinda obsessed with the idea.
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul"
-Judy Garland
Re: Skittles...?
Yea, it is pretty much impossible to order just red skittles, but they do sell the berry mix which is pretty much red, pink, and purple. I know thats not exactly what your looking for, but its just a suggestion. I used to work at a candy company that went out of business, and my mom bought cases and cases of candy for her theater room. That was probably eight months ago, and it was past its expiration then (their shelf life was about 5-6 months, if I remember, but they are very conservative on those), and they are still fine. I think you'll probably be fine, but thats just me. Safety wise you'll be fine, its just pretty much pure sugar.
Finished BC and not preventing since June 2010.
Actively trying for baby #1 since July 2011.
SA completed 5/29/2012. No sperm found.
11/12: Dx: Congenital Bilateral Absense of the Vas Deferens.
Genetic Testing needed as this is a mutation of Cystic Fibrosis.
IVF #1 with ICSI planned for 2013.
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
I really do suggest using all of them. I love the red skittles too but I really love all the colors. What are the chances that your guests will like just the reds. If I were a guest I would enjoy the red but be disappointed I missed out on the other colors I liked. My brother hates the red ones and always gives them to me. See what i'm saying? Just because you only like the red ones doesn't mean your guests will.
[QUOTE]I'm kind of grossed out by the fact that you will be hand picking all of the red skittles out.
Posted by frogurt814[/QUOTE]
Good call on that. It probably wouldn't hit me until I saw the favor but I would be thinking...gross I hope they washed their hands before picking out the red ones.
"Ick, I have a hair!"
i think you can probably order Red Skittles. try calling Dylans Candy Bar.
Reese-Thanks for the suggestion..ima check that out too.
Fogurt, Suz and Mille- i had every intention of washing my hands before. I wash my hands before I touch any food that will be eaten by someone other than myself.
also Suz, I could use all the colors but someone might not like skittles at all. Dosent matter what edible favor i do, i run the chance of someone not likeing it.
Skittles get hard when they get stale. I am a skittles freak so I usually always have them around my house. Actually one of my shower gifts was a ton of big bags of skittles and hot tamales (with a check). If you're looking to unload all the other colors, I'll PM you my address!
I would probably wait until closer to the wedding to do this. Skittles will stay fine when unopened in the bag. I would wait until maybe a few months before the wedding. Get a few good Ziploc freezer bags that you can put them in and keep them sealed well. As long as the are sealed and the air kept out you will be fine.
Thanks for all the input yall!
I would suggest getting gloves.. you might wash your hands before you start but what happens if your hands get sweaty?? the dye my come off the skittles on to your hands and/or your sweat would be all over the skittles...
I'm just saying...
and i just want to say good luck with sorting through all that!!! ha ha sounds awful tedious to me!!
Now I need a bag of skittles!!