(cross posting for more opinions)
So our theme for our wedding is somewhere between vintage travel and road trips (a huge pasttime of FI and I). Anyway trying to think of something practical as a favor I thought it might be fun to have a map (some MN, some local, some regional) paired with some sort of road trip food tied in a little bundle for each couple. Most of the family and friends are in MN. I thought it's always practial to have another one for the car (I lose mine constantly). It fits the theme and suits us totally.
Corny or fun? We are having an additional candy buffet because I am a freak and cannot get enough sugar. I know the opinion is always in favor of something edible and I feel like I have that covered but want to do something original from us.

My Little Sweetheart
Re: Map Favors
I confess that I'd be leaving a map on the table when I left. If you want a travel theme, why not use luggage tags. They could also be used as your escort cards.
But if you're already having a candy buffet, you don't really need anything more. That is your favor.
Miniature suitcases could be a very cute vessel in which your guests could take their candy home. As I said, I did a very fast and cursory search---I am sure there are many companies who sell something similar at a variety of prices.
As long as your theme is cohesive---go with your gut! I really enjoy a bit of whimsy at a wedding!
I wouldn't put the maps on the table but in a basket near the candy buffet. A take if you want to sort of thing. A lot of my friends and family are into vintage sorts of things and huge travelers so though it may not be as useful as I imagine it would be to myself, I think people would still get it. I kind of imagine it in the same way people have been sitting out baskets of flip flops or parasols or the like. A take if you want to and would enjoy it sort of thing.
I looked for luggage tags - short of making them myself, I couldn't afford anything that wasn't plastic and stupid looking. But it's a really great idea - thank you. I will look at the mini suitcases as well - thanks for the link. I'm beginning to think there isn't a favor that suits everyone out there, so maybe just go with my gut. Thanks everyone.
[QUOTE]Ha - I must be way older than most people on here. I adore maps and atlases, cannot get enough of them. Not really a fan of GPS - but we like to wander about. We're kind of see what we discover along the way sorts I guess and the GPS - well it just gets you where you are going. I do get that the younger crowd will probably think I'm a nut (as most of my nieces and nephews do), but for them a plethora of candy. I wouldn't put the maps on the table but in a basket near the candy buffet. A take if you want to sort of thing. A lot of my friends and family are into vintage sorts of things and huge travelers so though it may not be as useful as I imagine it would be to myself, I think people would still get it. I kind of imagine it in the same way people have been sitting out baskets of flip flops or parasols or the like. A take if you want to and would enjoy it sort of thing. I looked for luggage tags - short of making them myself, I couldn't afford anything that wasn't plastic and stupid looking. But it's a really great idea - thank you. I will look at the mini suitcases as well - thanks for the link. I'm beginning to think there isn't a favor that suits everyone out there, so maybe just go with my gut. Thanks everyone.
Posted by bellaxanthe[/QUOTE]
bella: FWIW: I am hardly younger than you. I was MOG 4 years ago and MOB 1 year ago. My kids will be 25, 27, and 29 in September. But thanks for thinking that I'm younger than anyone here. It brightened my day. <img src="http://cdn.cl9.vanillaforums.com/downloaded/ver1.0/content/scripts/tinymce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" />
and i don't understand how a map fits into 'vintage', since you said your guests like vintage things. maybe i missed something?