We are getting married in November and for favors plan on doing ornaments with a celtic symbol and our name and date around it. We are having a celtic ceremony so this is why we choose the symbol. We would do one per family, I don't think some families would want 5. Does this sound okay and would you just do 1 per family?
I would also like to do something edible to go with them as it seems to be cheaping out on just one thing per family. How would cookies be? or the celophane cones with the hot chocolate mix, marshmellows and mini chocolate chips? or any other suggestions?
Re: Honest opinion please
I think the hot chocolate stuff would be darling, or maybe fudge or chocolate covered pretzles. All of those seem like yummy treats that many people would enjoy.
It's a girl!
i also think the hot chocolate mix would be really cute!
"If you can't think of something nice to say, don't say something nice" - Stephen Colbert
I also think we will go with the hot cocoa since it is in November.
Thanks for the insight!