
Cake pops, Koozie, and Salsa

So long story short I would like to make fall flavor cake pops as wedding favors for my guests, and my fiance wants to do Koozies and both sets of our parents want us to do homemade little jars of salsa. I am all for the ideas, and I know all of my guests will like the favors. I'm just trying to figure out a way to present the gifts. we don't have room for a favor table so it will have to be on the tables. I am thinking a favor for each guest as well.

P.S. I want my guests to have each flavor of cake pop as well.

Re: Cake pops, Koozie, and Salsa

  • Without giving this a lot of thought, here's what I'd do: hand the Koozies out with drinks at the bar, incorporate the cake pops into the a display that guests can eat from during the reception (you could also put little cellophane bags out for guests to wrap their own) and put the jars of salsa at each place setting.

    Your other option might be to make a gift bag for each guest and set up all the bags on that table with a sign asking guests to take one.


  • Favors are optional. What you are describing is a wide range of favors, none of which tie into the other. Additionally, if your display area is limited, that's a lot to put out.

    I'd pick one or two, all three are a bit much. While your fiance may not like the idea, most people don't want a koozie or any other memorabilia with your wedding date or other personal data of yours on it. Unless you wanted to do a koozie with your guest's monogram on it (which I personally still wouldn't care for), it's probably not going to be appreciated. You might spend the money, and they'd be left behind. But I realize such items are desired differently based on geographic area and age.

    You could place the salsa, or salsa and cake pops, at each assigned seat. If you are having a dessert, the cake pops could be placed on a tiered dessert tray or platters with bags for wrapping to take home (or eat at the reception).
  • Another vote for Jaclyne.

    But I do think you could easily cut out the koozies and cake pops and no one would notice.

    Make sure to label the salsa with a list of all the ingredients, as some people have allergies/sensitivities.

  • Tuck the jar of salsa into the koozie and top with a little "bouquet" of wrapped cake pops (since you wanted each guest to get one of each flavor)?

    I also like Jaclyne's idea.
  • Great idea, Retread!!! 
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