because i'm having the ceremony outside, i'm going to get sandlewood fans for everyone to use during the i wanna go as cheap as i can for the real favors... the fans are gonna come out to about $.85 each for 30-40 ppl...
for the actual favors, i already have these little 2x2x1.5 inch boxes to fill (left over from my sister's wedding) & i was thinking of filling them with M&Ms..but not the specialy coloured ones...just plain M&Ms that u can get a 54oz bag for $10 at sam's club...
am i being too cheap on the M&Ms?
Re: Am I being too cheap?
My Planning Bio
I'll be honest. That would seem cheap to me, but not "too" cheap. It's not like it's trashy, but it's an obviously inexpensive favor.
I don't know what kind of climate you're getting married in, but I would also worry about the candy melting or being too sticky.
I went to a wedding where there was Hershey's Kisses in little boxes. That was cute. Maybe I just have a thing about unwrapped candy!