
Favors for Kids

I only have four little ones that I know of coming to the wedding. My FI and I decided to make them little goody bags for the reception so they don't get bored. I was thinking coloring books with colors and some type of little game but im not sure what else. Any ideas? The ages range from 4-7... 2 girls and 2 boys.

Re: Favors for Kids

  • edited December 2011
    Check out your local dollar store. That place is Heaven sent for things like this. Puzzles for their age group, coloring books, crayons, silly string, a few pieces of candy, bubbles, etc.
  • trix1223trix1223 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I teach kids ages 3-7.  Here's my advice.  Don't worry about it.  The kids will want to do what everyone else is doing.  They'll eat, they'll enjoy their drinks~Shirley Temples, or whatever....they'll dance, and eat cake.  And they won't get bored at all!

    My little 4 year old students have about a 15 minute attention span for coloring.  And that's some of the kids.  The rest have a shorter tolerance.

    I'm not telling you not to get them sticker books, or coloring books.  Just don't count on them being used for more than a couple of minutes, if at all.  GL
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • AbbeyS2011AbbeyS2011 member
    edited December 2011
    I have a fair amount of kids coming to our wedding - around 10-15 - and I am making them all a goodie bucket to take home with them.  I am buying sand pails from the dollar store, adding sidewalk chalk, coloring book & crayons, temporary tattoos, some candy, bubbles, and whatever else I can find at the Dollar store! 

    I will also have grenadine for shirley temples/roy rogers for the kids, so they can have their "drinks" too!
  • edited December 2011
    i agree with pp the dollar store is your freind, colors, games, for the little boys maybe toy cars? there are lots of options at the dolllar store
  • edited December 2011
    I'm with trix1223, I work with young children as well and they will lose interest in them quickly, if you want to give them something- give them something you don't mind them opening right away and using. I can see problems with the child wanting to use the chalk at the venue. Stick with crayons or wands or something simple and non messy. Puzzles can get strewn accross tables, on the floor...etc.
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  • BikerBabyzBikerBabyz member
    edited December 2011
    I am having an outdoor tented wedding, and I am setting up a corner of the tent as a "kids corner" for the children and adults who want to be children haha.. I am setting up the kids station with coloring books, sticker books, bubbles, age appropriate candy, color-your-own hats/purses/cd cases and small craft projects that coordinate with my wedding theme...

    I am setting up the station with hay bales (fall theme wedding) and a large calkboard anchored down as a table top above the hay bales. Chalk will be placed through the kids station for them to draw on the table!!

    You can find some amazing inexpensive craft kits at: http://www.orientaltrading.com

    Oriental Trading has SO much awesome kid friendly crafts! And when you join their mailing list, you will receive coupons which are great!

    Kids do have a short attention span, but sometimes they will surprise you when you put stuff in front of them that they really want to do! I did a color-your-own station at a corporate event I planned, and kids of ALL ages were amused for HOURS!! The key is to have variety!
  • edited December 2011
    Go for the dollar store- or if you have a way- you can have a play area- that has a dvd player that plays kids movies and stuff like that- I know my son loves to dance and all that- but after an hour of that he is bored out of his mind lol. so for FI and I's wedding we are having a kids area ( we are expecting probably close to 15-30 kids) that has toys, paper, crayons and dvd players..... they will also will be supervised by some friends of mine who volunteered. that is well known and a childcare provider by trade. I agree VARIETY is a big key, so dollar store, or dollar isles at the req stores are key places....
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