
My wedding favors: something wrong?

I have decided to do 5x7" unframed prints of our engagement photos for our wedding favors. I will probably tie a ribbon around them with a little note attached or something. 

I don't want to add a frame or do a little coaster with photo or something because I'd prefer a loose print, personally. They could frame it, stick it on the fridge for awhile, put it in a photo album, or put it in a box. It'll be reasonably priced, probably 50 cents each. 

But it seems like everyone I say "I'm planning to give engagement photos out" when they ask about favors is really wary/offended by this. They say something like... what about candies? I just don't want something edible and tiny. I also want something that won't clutter up their home... I don't want them to feel compelled by a frame I pick. 

I could go to smaller prints, like 3x5 but that seems too small. 

Does this offend anyone here? What's up with this reaction? Everyone seems so upset it won't be a little paper bag of candy. Even my FMIL said, well, why don't you do candy apples instead? (Fall theme) Why does it have to be edible?

Re: My wedding favors: something wrong?

  • edited December 2011
    Unfortunately most of the posters here will agree, not everyone will want an engagement picture of your and you FI, especially a 5x7.  Edible favors go over really well, meaning they are hardly left behind, thrown out, mutilated. 

    I would suggest you go with edible favors, but if you really are set on the photos, go with a smaller size but be prepared to have a lot of photos not taken home, left in the bathroom or with cake smeared on them.
  • edited December 2011
    I'd opt for something else - Use photos of your engagement on STD's but not as favors.

    There's so much out there and reasonably priced.
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  • edited December 2011
    I'm not a fan of the picture idea.

    And you don't have to give favors, you are feeding and entertaining these people as a thanks to coming to your wedding.

    Just ignore the tackless people that seem offended that they won't get candy too.
  • edited December 2011

    What are people going to do with multiple 5x7 photos from your e-pics session? Save those for close family members who'd love to have them and might actually frame them (parents & grandparents love these things). Other folks? Not so much...since it seems a little AWish...

    Either go the edible route or skip favors altogether if you prefer not to do food. It's okay NOT to have favors.

    The Bump ate my signature. DD - Apr 2011 DS - expected June 2013
  • CA2MT4EveRCA2MT4EveR member
    edited December 2011
    Check out the sticky above for favor ideas.

    I understand your not wanting to have things to clutter up people's homes, but not everyone sticks things on their fridge.  As pp's have said, go a smaller route if this is something you want to do.  I personally do not have a lot of "people" pictures around my house at this time, so I would not have a use for it.  I do however scrapbook so I may use the picture on a scrapbook page of your wedding.  But you know your friends and family better than I (or anyone else on here) do. Is this something they would appreciate?  That should help answer your question. 
    dont make ur password so easy. gbck2CA2 hahahaha
  • edited December 2011
    If you really want to use your engagement pic as part of your favor in some way (which I disagree with, but it's your wedding), why not get those sugar cookies that you can put edible pictures on? 
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  • edited December 2011
    Please don't pretend that people are going to frame your photo or put it on their fridge. You could be my best friend and I probably wouldn't take one.
  • trix1223trix1223 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sorry, this is a bad idea.  It's AW-ish and you'll come off a self-centered.  Seriously, I can't imagine most people taking it home, and I certainly can't imagine anyone other than your moms and maybe grandparents even framing it.

    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • CA2MT4EveRCA2MT4EveR member
    edited December 2011
    I would like to add though-

    My exbf's cousin gave engagement pics in frames as her favors.  We all thought it was odd but I took the frame, threw out the picture, and regifted the frame to his niece for Christmas.
    dont make ur password so easy. gbck2CA2 hahahaha
  • megk8ozmegk8oz member
    edited December 2011
    Ditto the PPs ... it sounds pretty AW-ish to me, and pretty much unless the bride was my own sister, I'd "forget" it at the end of the night.

    Edible favors are a better route to go ... depending on what you do, maybe you can get the pic printed on to a candy bar label or baggie?

    One thing that we usually say in these cases is "You know your guests and what they'll like better than we do" ... if these people you know are acting like it's not the greatest idea, that's a pretty good indication of what your guests will think.

    There is always the option of skipping favors entirely.

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  • noodle_oonoodle_oo member
    edited December 2011
    Don't give the photos as favors.  It obviously comes across badly as your friends, family and all of us are telling you.  Go with something people can enjoy, like candy.  That is more thoughtful for them.

    If you really want to share your photos, maybe send them along with the thank you cards.  I would think it was SO tacky to get a photo as a favor, but I enjoy them with TYNs.

    And if cost is the issue with favors, just skip them.  I'd actually rather get no favor than a useless favor I feel like I have to take home and then feel guilty about throwing out.
  • jeanna85jeanna85 member
    edited December 2011
    i think its a little vain to expect people to want pictures of you, unless your wedding is only immediate family.
  • Theresa626Theresa626 member
    edited December 2011
    It would be better for you to not have any favors than to do this.  How would you feel if I gave you a picture of myself for Christmas or your birthday?  Would you be excited by that?  Really, this is a terrible idea.  It's really self centered and does not thank your guests for anything.  If someone did this at a wedding I went to, I probably wouldn't take one and I'd think it was weird.  Not the impression you want to give your guests.  
  • melissamc2melissamc2 member
    edited December 2011
    My friends and I would mock a couple for giving a photo of themselves as a favor.  Maybe that makes us bitches, but I figured I'd be honest with you.  I know we're not alone in this and I'd like to save you the mocking on your wedding day.
  • edited December 2011

    That's a nice idea, but you could include that in your STD cards or invites if you have not sent those out yet.  Favors do not have to be food or candy.  I don't like your idea, and maybe that's why people are suggesting other things.  Please, what am I going to do with a 5x7, not everyone has a purse, it is going to get wrinkeled and what if a couple comes, then they have 2 5x7 pics?  At least put it in a frame because that will be the real favor.

  • jsabol21jsabol21 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hey all,

    I guess I am a photo person, since I'd really like a picture of a bride and groom as a favor at their wedding. I tend to think that candy is tacky... but I guess others think a picture is selfcentered. That seems odd to me-- I love celebrating another's wedding day, which would include taking a picture of them... even if I just put it in a box with cards and stuff. 

    Thank you for your honest advice... I guess it's pretty unanimous. You're all pretty harsh though.. haha.
  • jsabol21jsabol21 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    New thought: What about flower bulbs? Perennials... in some sort of cute packaging?
  • Aholton88Aholton88 member
    edited December 2011
    If you want to do picuteres why dont you get them on like cookies That way you get the picture and they get an edible favor?
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  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think what they're trying to tell you is that they don't need a picture of you and your FI.  They want something they can actually use and benefit from.  You don't have to do anything tiny.  Nix the photo favor idea. 
  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/special-topic-wedding-boards_favors_wedding-favors-something-wrong?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Special%20Topic%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:27Discussion:d7a0bbc6-8380-4a5c-9925-ce319e0c259fPost:baa22332-36b4-4499-ad7f-4c8f97e90312">Re: My wedding favors: something wrong?</a>:
    [QUOTE]New thought: What about flower bulbs? Perennials... in some sort of cute packaging?
    Posted by jsabol21[/QUOTE]

    Please see sticky above.
  • CA2MT4EveRCA2MT4EveR member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/special-topic-wedding-boards_favors_wedding-favors-something-wrong?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Special%20Topic%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:27Discussion:d7a0bbc6-8380-4a5c-9925-ce319e0c259fPost:4f374308-90cc-4cc9-95a5-c6e3138e0202">Re: My wedding favors: something wrong?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: My wedding favors: something wrong? : Please see sticky above.
    Posted by bbyckes[/QUOTE]

    Thanks bbyckes!
    dont make ur password so easy. gbck2CA2 hahahaha
  • ShofShof member
    edited December 2011
    Hmm, maybe because I have not been to a wedding in several years I am going to say this.  I like the photo idea.  But I would go with a 4x6 vs a larger size.  Or you could take pics with your guests and mail them a pic of you and them with your thank you cards. 
    But what do I know,because I am giving out rolls of tape and blocks of wood!  I say its your wedding, do what you want.  You might end up with 50 extra pictures, so you might want to print off more than one pose.
  • edited December 2011
    I keep all my wedding favours (even the edible ones). I was going to design an ornament that they could hang on their christmas trees, but had the same issue of does a couple/ family really want 2+ identical ornaments with our wedding details hanging on their tree year after year?

    We're now considering buttons with a design that goes with our wedding theme. Our friend has a buttone maker and the parts are reasonabley priced.

  • CA2MT4EveRCA2MT4EveR member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/special-topic-wedding-boards_favors_wedding-favors-something-wrong?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Special%20Topic%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:27Discussion:d7a0bbc6-8380-4a5c-9925-ce319e0c259fPost:a7f224d5-256b-418d-bf3b-d80d184ce397">Re: My wedding favors: something wrong?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I keep all my wedding favours (even the edible ones). I was going to design an ornament that they could hang on their christmas trees, but had the same issue of does a couple/ family really want 2+ identical ornaments with our wedding details hanging on their tree year after year? We're now considering buttons with a design that goes with our wedding theme. Our friend has a buttone maker and the parts are reasonabley priced.
    Posted by dee_love[/QUOTE]

    They will wear these at the reception?  Not a lot of people like poking holes  in their clothes, especially their dress clothes.
    dont make ur password so easy. gbck2CA2 hahahaha
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with every single response above that giving your guests a photo of the two of you is just bad.  Bad in so many ways.  If I received this as a favor, I would mock it to no end and then tell the whole internet about it. 

    However, I went to a wedding once where the photographer's assistant stood at the entrance and photographed each couple after they had entered and signed the guest book.  I was irritated while waiting in line to get into the cocktail hour.  The drinks were just beyond the door, and this bastard with a camera was making me work to get to them.  However, before we left for the night they passed out giftwrapped framed photos of the pictures they had taken of each couple/guest on the way in.  I liked this favor very much.  If you're hellbent on photos as favors, this might be a nice option for your guests which won't have them running to the interwebs to mock you. 
  • living4himruliving4himru member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hey I just read this! No matter what you decide, remember that it is your money you are spending. Since you are probably buying guest's food and paying for entertainment, that's already a huge chunk going toward them that I'm sure they will appreciate. The only people that will get upset at not having a favor THEY want will be the ones that only attend because it is just something to do and say they went to. Hopefully you don't have guests like that and will just have ones that WANT to be there FOR YOU!

    I know you don't want anything edible, but I love the idea of cookies with your picture on them. That way you have your picture, it'd be unique, and guests can munch on them and love them. You could take pictures of them beforehand so that you can remember what they were years later when looking back.

    Just do what you want with your money, as long as you are prepared to handle whatever people might say. In the end, you'll be married and everyone will have forgotten how they felt about favors and instead will focus on just how the ceremony/reception went.
  • MillerBride11MillerBride11 member
    edited December 2011

    At a recent wedding, the couple had printed off  4x6's , and on the back had attached a thank you note they had printed on adhesive paper. they had a flim on tip and a ribon going through. It wasn't the only thing they gave but everyone thought it was really a nice touch and personable. they had them set at each place ment at the reception.  You could do a really awesome cookie recipie, like all the dry goods in the jar layered, with the directons of what else to use and how , ect. I gave these away as Christmas presents one year becuase we were on a budget and they were a super big hit. everyone loved the recipie and the jars came in handy for other oddballs.  or you could do an inexpesive scented candle maybe?

  • rnalicia81rnalicia81 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    You can have a special picture placed on cookies. Then you get your picture and what guests don't like cookies? And if the cookie favors are left behind more cookies for you:)
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