I went to a friends wedding with a photobooth which was a big highlight for me and the girls. It is an old style photobooth; the pictures printed in 30 seconds, great quality, and had a strip that said wedding celebration of BRIDE and GROOM in the middle of the pictures !!1
I think it was awesome and have reserved the booth for my date. the vendor will not take a deposit until december due to so many people changing their minds,.
I am looking for areas to cut costs and this will cost $1600 for the night.
I really want it but realize the cost is a lot more than a few hundred dollars for traditional favors.
Should I keep it because I we want it or look at it financially and cut it out?
Opinions please.
Re: photo booth favors
We found them at a local Bridal Fair and they were running a special. I got them for $1000. for 4 hours. I thought that was reasonable as they are throwing in (prop box, monogram strip,) It sounds like you have time. Go to local bridal fairs and also check Facebook. Some the photo booth companies have a fan page that lists specials.
You have to do what you feel you are comfortable spending, but the photos would sure be a great favor and your guest would have alot of fun with taking the pictures.
We did not include props for 2 reasons: First, it was an additional expense, and, many of us are "germ-a-phobes" and can't fathom putting on a bunch of props, especially facial ones like glasses and hats, that other people have worn. Because our wedding is next June, we will purchase our own the day after Halloween when such things are on clearance.
We also made a "deal" with the vendor. We have the booth for 4 hours. But because almost no one will be using the booth during the dinner hour (or more), we have made this arrangement: open 1 hour during cocktails, close 1 hour during dinner, (we provide a dinner for the vendor), re-open for the remaining 3 hours after dinner. It stretches the time for our guests without wasting time when no one would be making use of it.
Finally, we have found that this phrase (or one like it) has helped in encouraging vendors to bring their prices down a bit......"We would really like to include "this" into our wedding/reception vision, but at the moment it is considered more of a luxury or want rather than a need".
With many of the vendors we have solicited, most are willing to be flexible and try to work within our budget. It also helps to do your homework and compare/contrast packages.