I would like to make a donation to a charity that researches Drug Addiction in lieu of favors for our wedding. My sister and MOH is a recovering addict and research in heroin addiction is a very dear cause to my family. However, I'm having trouble finding a charity that does research specifically for heroin addiction. Has anyone worked with a charity that specializes in assistance for or research in drug addiction that they could recommend?
Thanks so much for any help you can give!
Re: Donation Favor Help - Charity Recommendations?
[QUOTE]This is a noble cause, but don't tie it to your wedding. Charity donations have nothing to do wedding favors. Skip the favors and just give the money when you find the charity. Telling your guests that you gave to a charity is bragging.
Posted by NYCMercedes[/QUOTE]
In addition to the typical concerns PP mention, announcing you are donating to heroin research could really put the spotlight on your sister. Even if every one of your friends and FI's relatives know she is a recovering addict, it could make her feel awkward to have it emphasized. If they don't know, at least a few guests would probably be asking about it.
Make a donation if you find a charity; just don't put up a sign about it.