Hi Ladies,
I'm stuck on what I can do as favors that will travel well. I'm open to suggestions, but because I'm flying across the country for my big day, I need something that's small and unbreakable so that I can throw it into either my check bag or carry on.
The reception is super formal, so I want something to match that environment.
Re: Favors for Destination Wedding
AKA GoodLuckBear14
Perhaps something like these:
I'm of the opinion that edible favors are always best. I think this is particularly true of a destination wedding, as you don't want your guests to have to worry about packing some small piece of glassware, etc. and travelling back to their homes without it breaking. Also, if you have a local bakery create the favors, it eliminates you having to travel with all the favors and worry about them.
I also got married in Vegas, and for favors we got truffles from Vosges Chocolates. They come in really beautiful little boxes, and the truffles themselves are amazing. Everyone loved them. You can pre-order and they will have them ready for you to pick up- their store is inside the shops at Caesar's Palace. Here's what ours looked like:
I'm open to either practical or edible favors...my main thing is trying to find something that has an elegance to it to match the feel of the wedding.
kikibaby - your favors are nice, if you don't mind my asking...how much (spprox.) did they cost??