
Beaded Bouquets

nlo702nlo702 member
Second Anniversary First Comment

Hi everyone,

 I guess this board is the most appropriate place for this post, but I just saw on pinterest beaded bouquets. Has anyone had this or is planning on having beaded bouquets as opposed to flower bouquets? And if so did you do it yourself or is there a good website to order them off (If it was DIY any good tips or website you had used to order beads?).  I just like the idea that you can keep it forever and some are really gorgeous looking.

Thank you!

Re: Beaded Bouquets

  • Are you referring to a broche bouquet? If so, there are lots of people on Etsy who make them. I'm having a family friend make mine for me, she does an amazing job. She's doing each broche on individual stems so that I can incorporate it in with real flowers as well.

    I believe you can also do a quick google search and may be able to find how to's in making one.
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