I need help badly..lol.
My mother used to be a florist so she volunteered right away to do the flowers. She said it would really mean a lot to her to contribute by making our bouquets and the boutonnieres. She lives in Florida (I'm in Ca) so with the distance and the time difference, we don't have many opportunities to talk "wedding". Plus, she has a lot on her plate and I don't want to stress her with wedding details (she has MS and when she starts to get stressed out, some of her symptoms flare up.. she will get very tired and have to lay down. I don't want to put any pressure on her because of this. Also she is undergoing shoulder surgery next week. She has enough on her plate than to be called and bombarded with questions about flowers.)
When we have talked about it, she said that when she flies in, we will go to a flower outlet/wholesale shop, buy the flowers, and go from there. She flies in on Thursday and the wedding is Saturday. I want to get as much done as possible before she flies in. Again, trying to minimize any extra stress for her.
I just don't know where to begin.. like:
*What flowers are the least expensive and in season?
*Do I need to call the flower shop ahead of time so they have the flowers ready?
*Should I order online and have them shipped here (would that be less expensive?)
*Is it better to make the bouquets, etc the day of the wedding or could we do it the day before? (I will be helping).
*How many flowers will I need to make a bouquet? Should I get extras? Where should we store them until we're ready to use them (fridge?)
Aaaaahh so much to think about. Ideally I would like to have the details figured out before she arrives so there is less for her to have to do. She will be still be recovering from her shoulder surgery as well.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Anyone else do their own flowers? Please help, anything will help. Thanks in advance. Sorry for the novel..