
Flower Alterntive in Paper

After much thought, searching and stressing, I have decided to make my own bouquet and other flower arrangements out of paper.

At first I wanted silk Gerberas but holy cow those babies are expensive and I have had no luck finding a wholesaler that will ship to Canada for a reasonable price.

So I began a search of paper flowers and have found so many beautiful designs made from tissue, scrapbook and of all things coffee filters.

Anyone else doing their "flowers" in different mediums?

Re: Flower Alterntive in Paper

  • I'm doing feather flowers, the bulk of my feathers should be showing up next week. I don't like regular flowers so it was an easy choice for me (had to sell it to my mom though). 
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  •  I dont like flowers I think they're pretty  but just never been a huge fan. Im going to have y bridesmaids have feathers instead of flowers, as for centerpieces Im thinking of fake flowers. Also very dramatic candle holders. Silk flowers , oranges Ive even seen a tree stump as a centerpiece. 

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