Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions


So we would like to have a band and a DJ, I am just trying to figure out the timing of both. My initial thoughts are that the DJ would need to be the one to play the music during the ceremony and then later on in the night for dance music. I think the band would be a good fit during the day (outdoor/summer wedding) as all of the family will like to get up and dance to some classic rock! That means the DJ plays, then the band, then the DJ... does this seem ok?

Re: Band AND DJ

  • tpender13tpender13 member
    edited December 2011

    You'll probably have to pay the DJ as if they were playing for the entire time. But if the price is okay it might be doable.

    Just a thought, but depending on the band and what songs you'd like to use, they may be a good fit for the ceremony. I'd love to have an acoustic guitar and keyboard/piano for my ceremony, but I don't think it will work...

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