Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

not sure what to use for the different dances...

Hey all, I'm having a hard time picking songs for our wedding!  For the 1st dance we're doing "Come Rain or Come Shine" by Ray Charles

However, I'm not sure what to use for the mother/son dance...and I'm dancing with my uncle who is giving me away and I need a song for us to dance to.  My father passed almost a year ago so I don't want anything too emotional that may make me think of him...I want to keep it a light song or I don't want to do it at all...Just afraid it may spark some sadness.  I thought of a upbeat Michael Buble or Frank Sinatra song, but I'm not sure...Any ideas would be so helpful!

Re: not sure what to use for the different dances...

  • edited December 2011
    For the mother/son dance, my FH & his mom are dancing to "Twenty Years Late" by David St. Romain. It's a great song.

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  • emilypeachemilypeach member
    edited December 2011
    we're doing out father/daughter to 'my wish' by rascal flats, its a great song, not too sappy, and then shortly after we begin dancing my fiance and his mom will join us, im a little shy and a lot emotional so im hoping this might take some heat off me :) HTH.

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  • cih&meps4evercih&meps4ever member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder is another great/upbeat one for you dance with your Uncle.
  • edited December 2011

    Your FI and his mom should pick the song, since they're the ones dancing to it. My FI's mom wants to dance to I Hope You Dance by Leann Womack (SO not a fan, but it's her dance not mine).

    My dad and I are dancing to Wildflowers by Tom Petty. It's light and upbeat, not a creepy love song, and doesn't specifically talk about a father/daughter relationship.
    Isn't She Lovely would be super cute too!

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