I know that traditionally the only song for any of the moms during a wedding would be during the mother/son dance. But I would really love to find a way to incorporate 'The Best Day' by Taylor Swift for my mother. It is a song that describes our relationship through my life perfectly, and my very sentimental mom cries every time that she hears it.
My only idea so far is a slideshow of FI and I growing up done to this song. But I don't want to bore all of the guests. Any ideas of when I could do this, or a certain way I could do it so that it doesn't bore everyone? It would just be for the length of this one song, I've thought about maybe at the end of the cocktail hour or while people or eating dinner, but I'm not sure. I've seen it done while people wait for the ceremony to start, but ours will be outdoors so that isn't an option.
Any ideas/opinions?