Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

OL Tuesday!

Dear knotties-
I feel like staying in my pjs all day and drinking hot chocolate!
-A knottie who is VERY lazy today!

Re: OL Tuesday!

  • edited December 2011
    Dear Knot Gods,
    This format sucks.  It's slow and doesn't update fast enough. 
  • juliebug1997juliebug1997 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Dear Mariah,
    I agree.

    Dear Students,
    Please just do what you're asked to do this week.

    A tired teacher who feels the same way about school as you do this week.
  • danielle0789danielle0789 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Stephen-
    You look so stinkin' cute just laying in bed, BUT we really need to get to our other apartment and get the rest of the stuff out that we've been putting off for a MONTH!
    -Your wife who wants to hurry up and get it done!

    Dear Christmas-
    Why cant you come by a few weeks later? We havent had ANY money to do any of our shopping yet!
    -A frustrated Danielle wanting to make sure everyone is happy!

    Dear Aunt Flow-
    -A knottie whos sorry for the T.M.I !
  • untsinguntsing member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Self,
    Please behave at the office pot luck today.  If you're unhappy with your weight, now is NOT the time to pig out.

    Dear One For Mahler,
    Ahhhhhhhhhh it's tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amberproamberpro member
    edited December 2011
    Dear 12/15,
    I thought you would never get here!  Wow, how I needed a payday.
    Poor Knottie
    photo images_zps41edd072.jpg

    Carter born 5/28/11
    BFP 9/27/12 EDD 6/11/13, MC 9wks, no HB

  • edited December 2011
    Dear Tuseday...
    You are going to be one of those days aren't you?

    Dear 12:30 pm and 5 pm:
    Please go smoothly.

    Dear boss-
    No I don't have to do X, Y or Z to do A, B or C.  I can do what I want essentially and when I get told to do something by one of my many bosses, guess what?  I do it.  This isn't your area, stop putting your hand in places it doesn't belong.  And barking at me in front of another boss, who told me to do that, didn't go over so well.  I get you want to hang with the big boys but putting everyone down doesn't help anyone.   Thanks to you, I want to go home.

    Dear NCIS-
    I shall miss you tonight, even though you are new.  Damn wedding.
  • JessAndColtonJessAndColton member
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Dear friend's boss,

    I am very upset that you made her work when we were supposed to go out to celebrate my graduation.  You are a jerk!

    Unhappy graduate

    Dear weight,

    THANK YOU for leaving me.  I am sooo happy.  Now, let's just lose that last 5 lbs so that I will be under my goal weight for the cruise when I gain it all back.

    Happy Jessica

    Dear itchy skin,

    I am not sure why you decided today would be the day you itch so much I can't make you stop.  I am miserable. 

    Confused owner

    Dear Day off,

    Please drag so I can enjoy you.

    Lazy Jess
  • edited December 2011
    Dear vendors posing as knotties,
    It's not tolerated and I'm not in the mood to let you slide.  And if I have it wrong, I'll be the first to apologize.  But posting crap that doesn't make sense and only posting about some weird a$$ website sure doesn't look legit to me.
  • tnickel06tnickel06 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear face,
    Please return to normal and lose all numbness now. I'm hungry and I missed out on indian food for lunch because my dad was tired of waiting.

    Dear teachers,
    Please put up grades ASAP! I've been done with finals for 3 days now. Yes I know you are busy but I hate waitingLaughing

    Dear me,
    After looking at my engagement pics, I def need to work on my arms and tone them up. Get off your lazy butt and start lifting weights again!
    -Girl who needs to find a gym membership
  • Jay+MarissaJay+Marissa member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Knot,

    You gave me the same errors all day yesterday that my team experienced while debugging our programming project. If a group of college students can fix them, cant you? I'm inclined to ignore you for a few days to punish you.

  • Rachee7Rachee7 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Knot,
    I am mad at you for not working all day yesterday, and not working all morning today. Snap out of it.
    A Knottie, who is technically a Nestie

    Dear Ryan,
    I love you. I do. BUT your attitude lately is making me not LIKE you. We are a little over a week away from Christmas..."the most joyous time of the year", as you say.  Act like it.
    Thanks, Your Wife who is sick of putting up with you! [In the nicest way possible]

    Dear Target,
    Thanks for having such cute little decorations for my office for $1.99 each. That made me very, very happy.
    Love, Girl who misses shopping

    Dear Cheap but Cute Apartment,
    Please show yourself...we need to move. SOON.
    Love, Your future resident
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