Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

daughter dance with distant dad

Hey all! So, my parents have been divorced since I was four. My mother raised me and there are very few fun memories of me with my dad. I am only having the father/daughter dance out of "respect" and because I don't want to regret it when I'm older. Is it inappropriate not to let him pick the song, because so far he wants to dance to all these sweet songs about how the dad was always there and his daughter was his princess. That's not the case with me. Any suggestions?? Thanks.


Re: daughter dance with distant dad

  • edited December 2011
    Hi Rachel! I just had my wedding last month and was in the same situation you are in. I even wanted my mom to walk me down the aisle along with him, but my mom (out of respect for the tradition) decided not to do it. I had picked out a song for us to dance to (also out of respect) and I as well did not want any songs saying I'm his little girl or he was there all my life. He actually asked the DJ to play, "I loved her first" the night of my wedding and I was ok with it. During the song, it was awkward, but my dad started crying and he is a man that never cries. I wanted the song to end fast, but I knew it meant so much to him as I'm his only daughter. I say just do the song out of respect and hopefully it goes by fast for you. I know it meant so much for my dad to have that and would feel bad in the years to come if I had taken that moment away from him. Hope I helped in any way :)

  • naomikbnaomikb member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Rachel - it doesn't have to be a sappy song about his little girl growing up.  I totally understand wanting to do the dance out of respect though, if it is something that is important to him.

    I would suggest a song that isn't so father-daughterish, more of just a song about love or life.  A couple I like are Wonderful Tonight (Sinatra) and Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong).  There are lots of other Sinatra songs that could be appropriate as well.
  • teamdynamiteteamdynamite member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies!

    I'm trying my best to just not think about it. I've spoken with my dad recently and he started to get into "well, what does the father/daughter dance symbolize". I really want to tell him it's not the fairytail story he's painting in his dreams..... that's for damn sure. It is just so frustrating! Thankfully my mother is a good, Christian woman and keeps her cool about the whole thing....

    I really like the Louis Armstrong song. Thanks again!
  • HazelEyes536HazelEyes536 member
    edited December 2011
    im in THE EAXCAT situation.
    until recently my dad and i havent talked very much. hes got this new girl frined who is absolutly awesome and she must of said something to him, because all of a sudden hes taken a huge interest in me and my family (dh and 2 kids, were reneweing our vows) and he calls ALL the time, send gifts, etc.
    and i have NO idea what song to do!
  • dannette926dannette926 member
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Same here. You definitely aren't alone. I like the idea of "I Loved Her First."
    **October 8, 2011**
  • edited December 2011
    I am in the exact same boat... my father and i have had a very bumpy past and i am VERY close with my stepdad.. I am dancing with my step dad to "didnt have to be" by Brad Paisley but i have no idea what song to dance with my father to.  My fall back is i loved her first but i feel like that song is to good of a song for it. I need something less emotional.
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