Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

why do I like so many funeral songs!

Is it a funeral song and weird to play at a wedding?
I love "you are mine" but i think that is a funeral song, too! God, Im so morbid! Anyone have a good idea for a song to be sung (besides Ave Maria) at my episcopalian ceremony?   THANKS

Re: why do I like so many funeral songs!

  • edited December 2011
    The index to the current Episcopal Hymnal is here:

    The wedding-specific hymns begin at #350. I'm Anglican, we're having
    The Church's One Foundation
    Sing Praise to God Who Spoke through Man
    May the Grace of Christ our Saviour
    Adoro devote (in English)
    For All the Saints

    Also recommended
    O God Our Help in Ages Past
    Lord of All Hopefulness
    Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
    Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness

    and bunches of others
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