Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Ipod Playlist help...

...does anyone know if there is a way to insert silent breaks into ipod playlists. We are using itunes for our reception music. We are having the traditional dances thruout out reception but really don't want to have to use multiple ipods or stop and start just one.

Re: Ipod Playlist help...

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    Jessie888Jessie888 member
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    edited December 2011
    I am pretty sure that itunes doesnt have a way to add silent breaks in between songs, because it already puts a little one automatically. :(
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    hh581842hh581842 member
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    edited December 2011
    It would really be best (if there is no other option available, and it doesn't sound like there is) to make someone in charge of music.  At a wedding, you really need someone to announce things for you and get people revved up to dance.  An ipod by itself will (and this is from experience) kill the party.  An ipod with timed breaks can't know the human side of your wedding, which is that when it starts to play your first dance, you may not be ready, or when it wants people to dance, everyone may still be eating.  Plus, there's no way to keep drunk guests from going over to your ipod and playing the songs they want lol.  I really really do not recommend this idea!
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    cukimerrydollcukimerrydoll member
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    edited December 2011
    I don't mind doing an iPod reception, but it has to be done right.  I know a lot of larger equipment has an easier time with connecting to a computer (iTunes) instead, which would give you some more options with breaks and rearranging the order of the music.

    But I do agree with pp that if you were to do an iPod/iTunes reception, it is a lot smoother if someone is managing it.  The weddings where I have seen it work well have had the groomsmen take on the task.
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    edited December 2011
    Thanx everyone! We'll just have to figure it out.
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    edited December 2011
    the only thing I can think of is to use some type of recording device, and record silence or if you have any type of sound editing software, you can make small clips of silence and throw them in between songs. Im doing sorta the same thing. For the entrance/ first dance part, Ill have the songs in order on a cd so no one can screw it up. Ill have some one running it though that cd will end with the 1st or 2nd song after the first dance and well switch over to the playlist on my computer. where I 'll have things basically in the right order, but I fully plan on having someone watching over it.
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