Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Music played throughout entire ceremony?

I was wondering if it was appropriate to have quiet background music to be played for the entire ceremony? I don't like awkward silences, and it makes me nervous. Our church has a sound system that can play music as loud or as quiet as we want it to be..

Re: Music played throughout entire ceremony?

  • gymbugmj2kgymbugmj2k member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    my church sometimes has the pianist play during some of the spoken parts, and its very pretty.  I agree -- i love a little background music.  I'm walking in to clair de lune, and i'm thinking of asking if its ok to have him finish the song as the ceremony starts (i'd hate for that song to be cut short!!) long as it is something soothing and quiet, i'd imagine it would be okay. be sure to check with your church though. =)
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